Sunday, August 27, 2006

Yay summers almost over!

Well, here it is, the night before I start school. I'm nervous, excited, and shitting my pants all at the same time. I'll be fine, it will be the first few months of adjusting that will be the worst.

I finally got Joe to hire someone to shingle the roof of the shed. He is just way too big to be up there, I was worried. So we've hired this little skinny guy and the roof should be complete by Tuesday. It will be a relief to have that stupid shed finished.

The kids only have a week left till they start school. This will be the first year that I wont be there on thier first day. I'm sending Joe, HA! That will be such fun for him.

Ok, so thats about it. I'll try and squeeze in a post when i can. No promises. Tata!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The days go so slowwwww

Well, today is my 16 year anniversary. Incredible that we made it this far, after all we've been through.  We arent doing anything special today but on Saturday we're going to our favorite Japanese resteraunt for a treat. I'm feeling alittle edgy and know its only because I'm home all day with both kids, we all go alittle crazy sitting here waiting for school to start.  I get to go buy my books next Monday,yay.

Anyway, thats pretty much it. Joe is getting the roof on the shed this week, he refuses any help and wont call anyone to help him. So he complains alot and grouses at me. He makes me feel guilty because I'm not out there sweating my ass off too. I cant help him though, I cant risk myself up on that roof.  Theres just too much that could happen and then what?.....who takes care of everything? him? ha. So, I'll write again when something exciting happens! Tata.

Friday, August 11, 2006

A Few Days L8er

The heat is finally gone (for now).  By gone I mean its down to about 95.  Sydney comes home today, its nice when she's gone but I'll be glad to get her back.  Also I just got back my tax return yesterday! woohoo.  I paid off my car and put the rest on my credit card. So now all we have is 1. the house 2. Joes Truck 3. the shed loan 4. and two credit cards for about 5,200.  I'm so psyched.  We've never had so few bills. So now I start working on the credit card that I cut up which has 4,500 on it.  Money is such a pain in the ass.

The shed is coming along. We got the windows and door in.  All the trusses are up and he's starting to put the plywood on the roof.  It should be waterproof by the end of Aug. Sweet!

Thats about it, pretty boring.  Just over 2 weeks till school starts. 


Sunday, August 6, 2006

Fall Draws Nearer

Excitement Excitement! Daddy pulled in today with my moms laptop. She only used it once and its like X-mas in Aug. Anyway, its exciting for me. 

I havent written much lately because well, I've been writing elsewhere. I started writing sporadically on another site, just storyline and basic characters. What was once a short story has grown to much more. It isnt anything i would attempt to publish but it keeps my mind working. I start school in less than 3 weeks and the days are agonizingly loooooooong.

the heat is unbearable most days. today was ok. tomorrow looks bad. Tata.