Its like being held captive. Damn library WiFi. Snort. Grrrrrrr.
Anyway, last you heard from me we were off to Silver lake, which is also known as Lafayette Park. Its small and "oh boy" right on the road so that every hillbilly that drives by can gawk at you. The kids had a good time and played in the frigid water while I sat in all my swim-suited glory, watching.

The deepest spot, out by the ropes, is 7 feet so I had the other kids keep an eye on Avery so as his ass wouldnt drown...and such.

We stayed until about 3, when everyone decided they were bored. Uh-huh. Lets go!
That was Friday and my last day watching Meagan and Marcus. The rest of the day was same-ole.
Mom managed to get 3 days off so on Saturday we drove out to the Rotary Camp trying to catch up with Aunt Lillian. That place is like the friggin Mayan Catacombs and within a few minutes we were hopelessly lost. If it hadnt been for my superior sense of direction (ahem...thank you Garmin) and staying calm and in control we could have died slowly, trapped in the bug-infested woods. Seriously.....holy shit, the bugs were surrounding the car, trying to find weak spots....eyeballing us.....I swear I saw them licking their little buggy lips. Eeerie. Anyway, we finally found the cottage and they werent home so we left a note (picture me running full-bore, ducking and weaving, to the cottage door) So, what now?! Well, Port Elgin of course! *crickets* Yes, folks, the bustling city (?) burg (?) uh, stain (?)...hehe. As we passed through......ooops, that was fast.....ok, we do a U-turn and revisit the.....crap, gone again. I stop at the Irving and everyone dismounts for over-priced ice cream. Horrahh. (cept me of hoo)

Yee-Haw! We mounted back up and really this was the highlight of the day. Cousin Steven dropped by with Cameron for a visit.

Same ole nighttime routine. Yawn.
So here comes Sunday, full of sunshine.....disguised as friggin storm clouds. Today is the Magic Mountain water park trip. I managed to talk Mom into going with us.....she really dont wanna, really. We meet the other people in the Kent parking lot, a few of the men folk take a real liking to my chest and after awhile I feel like I may have those rotating hypnosis circles attached to my nipples. Damn! I hate when I leave the house with those on. Men are pigs.
I cant effectively tell the story of finding the park with enough emphasis to really get across the absolute rage that I felt. Maybe I overreacted (hey, it happens). There are no signs. NONE. Not one sign that says "Magic Mountain". Isnt that fucking hysterical? Oh yeah baby, the girl sitting at the entrance to "magnetic hill" thought so. She chuckled saying "Oh yeah, I get that all the time." ALL the time??? Really??? And no one has thought to fix it? I'm sorry, I'm officially never living in Canada. Pffffth.
I'm a dirty, fat, lazy American. Thats the consensus.....not out-loud but I know ya'll are thinking it. I dunno, when I spend that much money, I expect a minimum. A minimum of cleanliness, of entertainment, of services. Call me crazy. Maybe I've just been spoiled. This place was aweful in so many aspects, I'm at a loss. Lets just say, we aint going back...ever. And we all had a bleach bath once we got home. Wait, wait, wait....I must say, Sydney had a very good time. She rode everything (mostly on her own) and definately got her monies worth.

"Mawm, there's like a billionty band-aids floating in the wave pool. I aint going in there!"

*Blue and Red slide. Enemas anyone?

Yes, that is me in a bikini. Sort of a celebration of 1 year of success. (Ewww, my thighs look massive.)

Nanny and the kids. She was so cold that she turned purple, whichis why she's wearing my shirt.

She fagged out in the sun and regained some color. We stayed until around 4 and that was enough.
Later that night, once we were cleansed of the water park water, Sydney and I went over to Steven's so she could hang with cameron for abit. They got along well, playing Guitar hero and jumping on the trampoline untilt hey were both dripping with sweat.
Yesterday (Monday) was Moms last day off so we just hung at the house. I forced her to start cleaning out her closets for the Yard sale. Painful at best. We made some headway but need boxes. Some of Moms friends dropped by after dinner.

Barb, Mom and Bev.
Colleen called me and asked if I wanted to go to a movie later. Her and sarah picked me up and instead of a movie we went to Duncans which is like a bar/restaurant. We ate nachos and drank adult drinks and basically just shot the shit. It was nice, I got lightheaded. I hope to do it again, hehe.

I got home in time to watch an episode of Heros with Mom. ( She's getting addicted)
And that was it! Wasnt it exciting?! I'm sure this week holds more of the same so STAY TUNED! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!