Thursday, November 4, 2004

Ummm, rain again.

Mom left yesterday, she was here for a week and we did a lot of renovating.  We installed wood floors downstairs and what a difference it makes. We also changed the dining room into the computer room and the front room into the dining room, looks much better now. I've been working sporadically, mowing season is almost over here and its mostly leaf pickup now.  When I slow down too much I'm going to pull Avery out of daycare, no sense paying for that if I'm home.  Joe leaves on the 12th and will be gone for about 2 weeks. He'll be home for X-mas but wont take any leave this time, he's saving up his leave for when he gets out next year, he can sell it back to the Navy. Anyway, thats about it here. Tata!

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