On the drive back from MN to Va we stopped at a gas station somewhere that had a bait vending machine. I thought it was hilarious.

Ok, so last Saturday was our anniversary. I bought him a couple of magazines and a t-shirt....pretty standard for a holiday of any kind. He says that my present wont be available until Monday. Ok, whatever. That usually means he hasnt gotten me anything and needs a day to run to the convenience store for a card. HA! Just before dinner on Monday he calls me into the kitchen. Flowers, a card, a pack of gum and a big bag. I'm floored because in the bag is a $500 Harley Davidson leather jacket. Now, normally I would get the receipt from him and take it back....depositing the money back in the account. I thought about it. This time I'm not going to. I kept it. Not only did I keep it but I didnt really like the style so I took it back and got one that I really liked. He had no problem with that either. I love it. The smell of real leather is intoxicating. I honestly almost wore it to bed last night.

It has a fleece hoodie underneath that can be worn separately. Its way too extravagant a gift but I love it.
I dont think its a secret anymore that we are having martial difficulties. On returning to VA we got in touch with a marriage therapist. We have been once as a couple, Joe has gone once by himself and I went by myself yesterday. I may not go into the specifics of what is happening, just know we are working on changing some things.
I started school this morning. Wheeeeeeeeeeee! The campus was bloated with a billion new people because of the on-campus lodging this year. Yikes! Way too many people for such a small place. My classes were fine. I feel guilty that I havent gone to see the librarian yet. I promised her that I would be volunteering this semester but I just havent had the time yet.
Anyway, I have a ton of stuff to do so I gots to go! tata.