Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sat and Sun

The fam at the Va Museum of Fine Art.

There's your taste of fine art for the day. It was a nice day and other than having to continuously tell Avery "Dont touch!" the whole time, it was fairly stressfree.

Later that day we stopped by a local car show.

Yes, there was a Corvette for Christ......imagine that.

We sighted Elvis! Good golly.

So cute! Not much bigger than Syd!

Today we finished up our school shopping and I worked on my art project. The rain let up around 3pm. Tomorrow will be a slow day, the calm before the storm.


Friday, August 29, 2008


I havent been writing. I cant remember the last time I enjoyed sitting down and pounding something out on the keyboard. A block. Perhaps. Or maybe I just dont have any more to say that requires writing. I've been really enjoying the art class I'm in. It gives me that creative escape without having to compose. My teacher is pretty leniant with me and gives me alot of latitude to do pretty much what I want to do. 

Anyway, there's not much new here, we plod along. Tata.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


My last semester at RBC. I'm taking Spanish, Art Design, Normal Nutrition and Weight Lifting.  HA! Thats quite a mix huh?!  Spanish will be my most challenging course because I SUCK at any language other than my own. I just keep reminding myself, its all just memorization. I can do that.

The first week was a short one because we started on Wed.  I missed yesterdays gym class because I still have the kids at home, they dont start until Sept. 2nd. Next week they will be staying at home with Joe (while he sleeps because he is on night shift) but its cool, we've done this before and Syd takes care of Avery while I'm gone.

For Art she gave us a design project (already!) and so I started working on it yesterday. We have to design around a matchbook she gave us.  I'm building a larger matchbook out of pictures of the old matchbook as it gets destroyed. Make sense? HA! I took a bunch of pictures yesterday and today I'm hoping to get it built.

You get the idea.

Anyway, its Saturday. Sydney is still over at her friends house so its just me and Avery. Nice and quiet. Thats it for now. Tata.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back in the saddle

On the drive back from MN to Va we stopped at a gas station somewhere that had a bait vending machine. I thought it was hilarious.

Ok, so last Saturday was our anniversary. I bought him a couple of magazines and a t-shirt....pretty standard for a holiday of any kind. He says that my present wont be available until Monday. Ok, whatever. That usually means he hasnt gotten me anything and needs a day to run to the convenience store for a card. HA! Just before dinner on Monday he calls me into the kitchen. Flowers, a card, a pack of gum and a big bag.  I'm floored because in the bag is a $500 Harley Davidson leather jacket.  Now, normally I would get the receipt from him and take it back....depositing the money back in the account. I thought about it. This time I'm not going to. I kept it. Not only did I keep it but I didnt really like the style so I took it back and got one that I really liked. He had no problem with that either. I love it. The smell of real leather is intoxicating. I honestly almost wore it to bed last night.

It has a fleece hoodie underneath that can be worn separately.  Its way too extravagant a gift but I love it.

I dont think its a secret anymore that we are having martial difficulties.  On returning to VA we got in touch with a marriage therapist.  We have been once as a couple, Joe has gone once by himself and I went by myself yesterday.  I may not go into the specifics of what is happening, just know we are working on changing some things.

I started school this morning. Wheeeeeeeeeeee! The campus was bloated with a billion new people because of the on-campus lodging this year. Yikes! Way too many people for such a small place. My classes were fine. I feel guilty that I havent gone to see the librarian yet. I promised her that I would be volunteering this semester but I just havent had the time yet.

Anyway, I have a ton of stuff to do so I gots to go! tata.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

18 years.

Today is my 18th wedding anniversary. Joe is working tonight so he's sleeping at the moment.

The kids and I hit the gym and then stopped off at the library.

Avery. Not-so-happy too be here.

Me and Syd. Pissed off because for some strange reason Limewire wont work. Grrrrr.

I've been alittle melancholy since returning. Could it possibly be depression or just the remnants of emotional turmoil? Bah. Who knows!? At any rate I'm slowly plodding along, looking forward to starting school this coming week. I'm hoping the distraction will inspire me to write more.

The dial-up at the house is insanely slow so I've opted to not post from there.....EVER again. Well, maybe not ever....but close to it.  I'll be so glad to get back to the city where there is civilization, hehe. Anyway, time to go. Tata.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Since we've been back I've been busy making lists and shopping.  The preparation for school starting is a major event for all of us.  My school starts next Wednesday.  The kids dont start until the 3rd. Bit of a gap there, I imagine it means I'll be missing a few days. Oh well.

Joe and I are doing ok. I'll just say that there are relationship renovations taking place. I'm not feeling at liberty to say much more than that at the moment.

Anyway, thats about it for now. No pictures, sorry. The posts may be fewer until I get into a groove at school, you understand right....?  Tata.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

On the road again.

I'm alive. I know many of you have been wondering.  My personal life (of which I will not be talking about at this time) encountered some issues and I opted to not blog for awhile. 

The last night at Colleens was bittersweet.  I had grown so fond of them, it was difficult to leave. I'm not so good with goodbyes. But we ate copious amounts of food and had a great last night.

Meagan, Hannah and Sydney

We left the next morning. Above is Sydney at lunchtime @ the 50's Cafe.

3 days on the road (600 miles a day). Do I have to explain how tired I am?

Once we arrived in Minnesota, all hell broke loose. I dont think I'll go into that tonight, maybe at a later time. Subsequently we left a day early.

So here we are, in Indiana, at the Motel 6. One more day and we'll be back in Virginia. Much to do. So much to do.

I'm afraid I'm not in the writing mood at the moment. Sorry.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our last day!

We were supposed to leave this morning but decided to stay one more day so that Colleen's kids could see Syd one more time before we left.

Syd's birthday (11) was Aug. 1st. We had Steven and Cameron over.  She got a watch from Nanny, Guitar Hero from Grampy Keith, a vest and a speaker for her I'Pod from me and Donkey Kong Racing from Steven. Nanny also gave her a giftcard for Zellers with which she bought another game for her DS. She picked out a brownie cake that we cut after a dinner of burgers.

Playing Crazy 8's on the bed.

Yesterday was a Canadian holiday so the library was closed. What the hell is Natal Day? Cmon.

Anyway, we leave tomorrow morning. I'm emotionally void right now so my writing has taken on more of a reporting air. Sorry. I dont know when I'll be posting again, I promise to take pictures though. Tata.