Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our last day!

We were supposed to leave this morning but decided to stay one more day so that Colleen's kids could see Syd one more time before we left.

Syd's birthday (11) was Aug. 1st. We had Steven and Cameron over.  She got a watch from Nanny, Guitar Hero from Grampy Keith, a vest and a speaker for her I'Pod from me and Donkey Kong Racing from Steven. Nanny also gave her a giftcard for Zellers with which she bought another game for her DS. She picked out a brownie cake that we cut after a dinner of burgers.

Playing Crazy 8's on the bed.

Yesterday was a Canadian holiday so the library was closed. What the hell is Natal Day? Cmon.

Anyway, we leave tomorrow morning. I'm emotionally void right now so my writing has taken on more of a reporting air. Sorry. I dont know when I'll be posting again, I promise to take pictures though. Tata.


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