Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy After Thanksgiving!
Joe was home the next day so I had the pleasure of fighting the insanity of Black Friday. I didnt get to the city until 9am, which is LATE for many stores, considering that they opened at 4 am in some cases. Seriously, you'd have to be giving away BAGS OF MONEY for me to get up that early and wait outside in the 40 degree weather. We had driven by the stores (Best Buy, Circuit City) last night after the movie, I wanted to point out to my daughter how crazy people can get about saving 10 dollars on something they probably dont need to begin with. Tent city. It boggles the mind. She just stared at them and asked "Where do they go to the bathroom?" Good question I said. Looking around I realized that there was nothing open anywhere and not a porta-potty to be found. Ew, bet they're going in the bushes by the end of the mall, over by Pier 1. Ick. Sydney thought they must be pretty desperate. Thank dog she's practical like me. Her list for X-mas has 2 things on I a good mother or what?! HA!
Ok, thats it for now. Lots of pictures for the next post. Its gonna be chilly (46) in DC this weekend. Wish us luck!
P.S. Finished The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls this morning. Good book, very easy to read, I finished it in 9 hours.
On a whim we've decided to go to DC today. Joe got us a room (at a different hotel this time, not that the last one was a DIVE but cmon, you should NOT be able to see all of the rooms electrical and heating pipes and whatnot hanging over the bed) He just took the dogs over to the vets and when he gets back we'll be off.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Uh wassat?
My body fat is 23%. That's really good for a 41 year old woman with 2 kids, i guess. Someone in my gym class said I was lying, that I wasn't 41. He thinks I'm in my late 20's. I have an extreme urge to kiss him on the lips. He he. Late 20's....uh, right. My gym teacher has a crush on me and its yukky (he's in the 65 range). I play it up so that he gives me a better that wrong? I don't care. I need the A. I really like going to college, I could perhaps make a career of it.....I don't think Joe would like that though....he expects me to make some frigging money at some point. Damn shame cause I'm a superior student, probably in the genius level at least. HA!
OK. I really need to study now. I have Spanish out the wazoo that I need to finish for the AM. Grrrrrrr. Hate it. Nightie nite y'all. Ta ta.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Brown deers

Sunday, November 16, 2008
19 Days till Exam week!
As for'm still catching up. We have our last test this Thursday and I'm sweatin it.
In yukkier news, my incision is ugly and hard and feels weird. Also I've broken out in an all-over body rash/itching which is driving me insane. I hate to say it but I think I'm having a reaction to the pig skin graft they put in me. I hope I'm wrong! I'm calling the doc tomorrow.
Joe and Syd just left for a motorcycle ride, its the "thing" they do together on his days off. I'm glad they found something to do together.
Life is kinda on auto-pilot for the moment. We, as a couple, are doing ok. We found a therapist that seems to know her ass from her elbow. I'm hoping that we can stick with her for awhile. Joe has managed to keep up on alot (not ALL) of the changes since August. Therapy gives me a chance to nudge him back (he would say NAG) onto the right path without feeling like I'm always chastising him. I take it a week at a time.
Other than that junk.....alls well. Cant believe the semester is almost over! Holy crap. Technically I graduate in December with my Associates of Science. Yay me. I will be taking a single class next semester (Spanish II) but only because I dont want to have to take it once I transfer to VCU. So I'll have until August of next year to unload this house and move up near Richmond. We've agreed to rent until we feel out the area. Dont want to make another mistake and buy a house somewhere that SUCKS! Hehe.
Ok kids, I'm outtie! Tata.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Uh, where am I???
Ok. So in my infinite wisdom (stop laughing) I decided it would be best to skip ALL of my other classes this week because of the dread of my upcoming Nutrition exam. Which I did of course. But to my credit, I studied every day, very hard, like my life depended on it. Ok so, today was the day of the BIG exam. I skipped all my classes, opting to sit in the library and study until my eyes bled. (uh, they didnt but they were really red) 12:30 arrives and my brain informs me that it is no longer accepting ANY new information. I'm tired....irritated...did I say tired?.....yes, and most of all I just want this FRIGGIN THING TO BE OOOOOOVVVVVER! ugh. Long story short. We sit down.....I'm on autopilot....I cant even remember most of it....I'm the first one done. I dunno if thats a bad thing or a good thing yet. I FEEL like I did ok. That bitch wont grade them till next week (passive aggressive) so I'll let you know when I find out. As I leave the building I swear I feel like I've just given birth. Ahhhhhhhh. Did I mention that her final is cumulative??? I may have to take a few muscle relaxers to get through that one. G-zus.
I'm having wine. It will be a short-lived relaxation though. I've missed an entire week of Spanish. Ai Carumba! She's a very understanding teacher BUT I dunno, I may have to put on my big weepy puppy eyes. Oh Plllleeeeeez senorita! Hehe.
Well kids, thats it for pictures (boooooo!) I know but understand, I'm a crazy busy woman. Thank you and goodnight!
Saturday, November 8, 2008

A lovely sunrise...and a hideous wound.
Sorry about the proximity of the two images but Blogger is stupid and this is how it lets me post.
The sunrise this morning at around 6:30 am. It really is striking when you're standing on the back porch. It looks like the forest is on fire. Pictures just dont do it justice.
My surgery was last Wed and it went well. The wound was closed with surgical glue, pretty cool stuff. Feels like plastic. I had been taking it easy, milling around the house until yesterday. I decided I needed to go to WalMart for stuff. Bad idea. By the time I got home my belly was triple the size. Looks like I swallowed a bowling ball. This morning it isnt much better. So today my husband hid all of my shoes and said "You may not leave the house." Grrrrr. Can you say "cabin fever"? Ugh.
I have another Nutrition exam this Wednesday. Anxiety!!!! I'm going to start studying for it since I'm trapped. Although the seductive call of Solitaire is hard to resist! Stupid willpower.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pics of the hair

Well, here they are. Pictures of the new "do". Doesnt look as good in pictures as I think it looks in person. Oh well. I like it and am getting used to doing the whole "styling" thing.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
November hath cometh!!!
It seems that autumn is truly a time for change. On Friday I was shopping without children (gasp!) and stopped in at a hair salon. Yep. I cut it all off. Really. All of it. It was a shock to my system and I was so scared that I would regret it but actually, I love it. I'll take some pictures when I get a chance.
Yesterday we drove up to Kings Dominion for the last night of their Hallo-scream. We didnt get there until lunchtime because I knew we wouldnt last the entire day and the night if we went early. After riding 3 coasters I was done......the last one was a neck-breaker and I am still paying for it today. I have no padding around my shoulders or neck and all that bouncing and spinning just tears me up. My collarbones are dark blue. Ick. Anyway, Joe and Syd rode the rest of the day while Avery and I walked around and shopped. I found a Starbucks (YAY!) and so I was happy. Around 6pm they started up the halloween stuff. Syd wouldnt go on anything, terrified that someone was going to grab her. We stayed until 10 and it got so cold that I said "Enough!" Got home close to midnight and my god was I whipped.
Anyway, thats it for now. My surgery is this Wed. so I'll post when I get home. Tata.