Sunday, November 16, 2008

19 Days till Exam week!

WooHoo. I managed to get an 88 on my Nutrition exam! I'm feeling much better now. That means I can get an 80 on the final and still pull out a B for the semester. Wheeeee!

As for'm still catching up. We have our last test this Thursday and I'm sweatin it.

In yukkier news, my incision is ugly and hard and feels weird. Also I've broken out in an all-over body rash/itching which is driving me insane. I hate to say it but I think I'm having a reaction to the pig skin graft they put in me. I hope I'm wrong! I'm calling the doc tomorrow.

Joe and Syd just left for a motorcycle ride, its the "thing" they do together on his days off. I'm glad they found something to do together.

Life is kinda on auto-pilot for the moment. We, as a couple, are doing ok. We found a therapist that seems to know her ass from her elbow. I'm hoping that we can stick with her for awhile. Joe has managed to keep up on alot (not ALL) of the changes since August. Therapy gives me a chance to nudge him back (he would say NAG) onto the right path without feeling like I'm always chastising him. I take it a week at a time.

Other than that junk.....alls well. Cant believe the semester is almost over! Holy crap. Technically I graduate in December with my Associates of Science. Yay me. I will be taking a single class next semester (Spanish II) but only because I dont want to have to take it once I transfer to VCU. So I'll have until August of next year to unload this house and move up near Richmond. We've agreed to rent until we feel out the area. Dont want to make another mistake and buy a house somewhere that SUCKS! Hehe.

Ok kids, I'm outtie! Tata.

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