Ok......I know this looks like an expose of me but honestly.......there were NO good pictures of Avery and Joe forbid me from posting pictures of him. So, you're stuck with me, my daughter and my Dad. Oh well.
So much to tell since I last posted.
X-mas went fine. I stayed up late to plant the socks while everyone slept. I got about 3 hours sleep, I guess I was abit jumpy. We woke around 6am and I went into Syd's room around 7. Once everyone emptied their stockings, we hit the tree. It only took about 40 minutes to open everything (I slowed the process by insisting that we read who it was from and took a picture of subject and gift) Overall it was a success and a good time was had by all.
After X-mas we just basically hung out and ate huge amounts of food. Nummy.
Joe bought his first Harley, which I mentioned before. We had our first ride together, to Starbucks, HA! It was fun. I started wishing for my own bike and so today I graduated from Biker Safety Class and can officially ride my own bike when I get one. I'm pushing for a disposable bike first so I can wreck it without consequences. In the Spring I can get a better one, by then I'll be a pro. HA!
Anyway, Dad will be leaving tomorrow. We'll miss him. It's been nice having another person (over the age of 11) in the house. I like having him here, I wish he would come more often.
So thats it for now. I'm not planning any more excitement for this year. I'll wake up Syd for the New Years ball dropping in Times Square (she wont remember it). Other than that we'll be getting back to normal and looking forward to school starting again in Jan.
PS. I sent my Mom a new phone for X-mas ( a complicated 2 station cordless phone) and she balked at it (repeatedly) when she got it. New technology scares the crap out of her. Luckily she has made a male friend (NOT a boyfriend she states......uh.....ok) and he helped her decipher the instuctions setting it up. I was hopeful, my husband believed it wouldnt leave the box. I called her today and YES she had her "friend" help her hook it up. Now she can be in her workshop AND have a phone on hand......instead of sprinting upstairs to try and catch the last ring. She even discovered that it has a speaker function so she doesnt have to hold it under her chin (cutting people off continuously) My mission is accomplished. HA!
Alright yall, time for me to go relax. Hope your holiday was sweet! Tata.
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