Friday, January 16, 2009

I said it was cold before.....I was wrong.

Today it is 29 degrees outside. I dont do cold. At all. It should be against the law for it to be that cold. I'm also a whiner. Ask anyone. When it's cold, I whine constantly.

Luckily today was a free day ie: no school and no kids. I spent the day doing practically nothing. Oh wait, I left the house to get a movie and some Starbucks. It was quick, did I mention I hate the cold?. Hehe.

I'm wearing my workout clothes because, well, I had the best intentions of toodling down to the gym this morning and sweating out all those nasty wine toxins. Didnt happen, not even close. Not motivated. Ah well.

Tomorrow I'm escorting my 11 year old daughter on her first "not-really-a date" with her "boyfriend-but-we-dont-hold-hands-or-kiss-cause-thats-still-gross". I've spoken to both of them, at length......I went far beyond embarrassing to a kind of intense homicidal staring while talking through clenched teeth. She was mortified....yep, thats my job. Anyway, we're going to the movies at the mall.....wont that be fun? (insert sarcasm here) I really wanted to go see that dog hotel movie. (insert coma here) Avery is thrilled as well. (insert screaming)

Ok, thats it for now. I'm tired from doing nothing and must lie down before children start arriving home. Crap.


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