Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday ketchup.

Ok......I know this looks like an expose of me but honestly.......there were NO good pictures of Avery and Joe forbid me from posting pictures of him. So, you're stuck with me, my daughter and my Dad. Oh well.
So much to tell since I last posted.
X-mas went fine. I stayed up late to plant the socks while everyone slept. I got about 3 hours sleep, I guess I was abit jumpy. We woke around 6am and I went into Syd's room around 7. Once everyone emptied their stockings, we hit the tree. It only took about 40 minutes to open everything (I slowed the process by insisting that we read who it was from and took a picture of subject and gift) Overall it was a success and a good time was had by all.
After X-mas we just basically hung out and ate huge amounts of food. Nummy.
Joe bought his first Harley, which I mentioned before. We had our first ride together, to Starbucks, HA! It was fun. I started wishing for my own bike and so today I graduated from Biker Safety Class and can officially ride my own bike when I get one. I'm pushing for a disposable bike first so I can wreck it without consequences. In the Spring I can get a better one, by then I'll be a pro. HA!
Anyway, Dad will be leaving tomorrow. We'll miss him. It's been nice having another person (over the age of 11) in the house. I like having him here, I wish he would come more often.
So thats it for now. I'm not planning any more excitement for this year. I'll wake up Syd for the New Years ball dropping in Times Square (she wont remember it). Other than that we'll be getting back to normal and looking forward to school starting again in Jan.
PS. I sent my Mom a new phone for X-mas ( a complicated 2 station cordless phone) and she balked at it (repeatedly) when she got it. New technology scares the crap out of her. Luckily she has made a male friend (NOT a boyfriend she states......uh.....ok) and he helped her decipher the instuctions setting it up. I was hopeful, my husband believed it wouldnt leave the box. I called her today and YES she had her "friend" help her hook it up. Now she can be in her workshop AND have a phone on hand......instead of sprinting upstairs to try and catch the last ring. She even discovered that it has a speaker function so she doesnt have to hold it under her chin (cutting people off continuously) My mission is accomplished. HA!
Alright yall, time for me to go relax. Hope your holiday was sweet! Tata.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Joe's first Harley. He's so happy he could burst. Merriest X-mas ever.
Sydney got into the Chorus in the school play. She's alittle dissappointed but at least she got in.
I havent felt like writing lately, sorry. I promise to try harder. Tata.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

X-mas bitchin.

It's my vacation right? Then why am I busier now than I was during school? My youngest is auditioning for her first real play and we've had to scramble to learn a new song. UGH! Listening to Good morning Baltimore 5 billionty times........not my idea of pleasant. So I think she has it and this morning in the car we practice more.......she forgets a verse.....completely. GAH! She panics and its like the world is ending. I'd like my vacation NOW please.

My Dad is arriving either today or tomorrow, not sure which. He enjoys showing up unannounced, usually when I'm scurrying through the house in my knickers or just ran out to get some milk. I just finished making the crockpot full O meatballs for Joe to take to work for his potluck. (made Lemon Burps last night (theyre my oh so lemony cookies that make you burp all lemony and such) with Syd's help) After putting kids on bus I realized I hadnt checked the mail and lo and behold, FULL of X-mas cards that need to be replied to before the actual holiday. BAH!

Do I seem bitchy? Sorry. Maybe I feel like everything always gets dumped on me. And it does I guess. I'd just like a few days of nothingness, is that too much to ask? Anyway, gotta go, much to do. Tata.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What a rush!

Well yall, I did it. I managed to stagger through my finals without dying of exhaustion. I wrote my last one on Wednesday, which was Nutrition, and she posted the grades a few hours later. I got an A. Shit, I got a 91 on the final which surprised the crap outta me. The rest of the classes were B's, ah well, I guess I cant be perfect ALL the time. I'm just so relieved to be DONE. So today I did absolutely nothing.......and it was goooooood. I start school again on Jan. 14th but its only one class so its almost like not going at all! HA!

Giftmas shopping is going slowly. I wander aimlessly through stores, not committing to buying anything, picking things up, putting them down, wandering some more, giving up....etc. I hate to be a Grinch but this holiday irritates me. I'm forced into celebrating it though because I have 1 child under the age of 18 who everyone thinks will be permanently scarred if we dont. I dont want to start a rant here, I'm too tired to type that much. Lets just say I'm not a fan.

We paid off our truck. The day we paid the balance, it broke down and we ended up paying 600 bucks to get it fixed. Is that irony? Ha.

Joe and I are doing well. We still have "moments" but who doesnt.? He's gone insane and bought me a ton of stuff, I eyeballed a few of the big ones under the tree. In the past we didnt do too much gift exchanging. I feel pressure to buy him a bunch of stuff now. Did I mention how much I detest forced consumerism? Oh, I did? Sorry.

Anyway, thats it for now. My Dad will be arriving around the 17th and he hates X-mas as much as me. Ha! I dont care, I'm just glad he's coming. So, I'll attempted to post more since I dont have the excuse of school for awhile. Tata!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well, here it is, the Saturday before exams and I'm.....not studying. I swear I'm building up to it, it's only 8 am. Anyway, as you can see we got the tree up and this year Joe wanted to decorate it all in his moms old x-mas decorations. Every year she had like 5 trees in her house and did them all in Victorian ornaments. It looks nice.
Syd had her Winter Program last week and sang with the choir. For all the practicing they did they only sang for 30 minutes and it was over. I dont think Syd wants to continue with choir next year, she says its getting boring.
So this year we adopted a family for X-mas. A boy, 15, and a girl, 7. Instead of giving small token gifts to friends and family this year we opted to take that money and buy things for our adopted kids in their names. We ended up with $100 and last night the kids and I picked out the clothes pictured above. It doesnt look like much huh? $100 doesnt go very far I'm afraid. It made us feel good to be able to do something for kids that have nothing.
Ok, so I need to get to work. We have another Winter Program this afternoon at the courthouse at 2 pm. Ugh. Its VERY cold out today and I'm not looking forward to standing outside for an hour. I'll take pictures. Tata.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bad deja vu......

Once again the pictures WERE in order when I loaded them, and now they are NOT! Annnnnyway.....
We went to DC again this weekend. All I can say is....bad planning. Joe booked a hotel BEFORE he checked the weather report. He also had no clue where the actual hotel was in relation to everything. We got a late start on Saturday and ended up not even getting to the hotel until 4 pm. It was a mess. OKay so Sat was a bust, we still had Sunday right.?!
We were up early on Sunday and I knew nothing opened until 10 am. It was raining and miserable out. Needless to say, no one had a good time and there was much snapping and whining. The only thing we got to was the Air and Space Museum. Now, for me, this is equivilant to the Watching Paint Dry Museum but I perservered. Actually I was just happy to be inside where it was dry and warm, there was a bathroom and a place to eat. We stayed there until about 2 pm. Joe estimated that we would be home in time for dinner, I estimated we might get home by 9 pm. He said I was crazy. We pulled in at 8:45 pm last night. Hate to say I told you so........
Bottom picture: the lobby of our hotel....very posh!
Picture 2 left(going up):Sydney sitting on the sundial.
Picture 3 right: view from our room on the 14th floor.
Picture 4: Chinatown, Saturday night.
Picture 5 right: Guy in chinatown making noodles.
Picture 6: recurrant graffiti of a little man painted on the roads and buildings. Very cute!
Picture 7 left: Air and Space museum
Picture 8 right: Avery at the museum
Picture 9 right: Us at the 3-D Imax called 3-D Sun. It was so good that I fell asleep.
Picture 10: Getting ready to left the museum and walk the 4 blocks in the rain to the Metro station. Fun.
We agreed that I will be planning the next getaway we go on so that we have a good time. Hehe. I'm thinking Massenutten for a weekend, at least then we can be physical. Snow tubing is so FUN!
Anyway, thats it for now. Tata!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy After Thanksgiving!

It was just another Thursday. Joe had to work so we did an early buffet lunch. It usually isnt a huge day for us anyway. The kids and I went to TWILIGHT. It was ok, alittle over-acted and geared toward tweens for sure. I know my tween was wetting her pants.

Joe was home the next day so I had the pleasure of fighting the insanity of Black Friday. I didnt get to the city until 9am, which is LATE for many stores, considering that they opened at 4 am in some cases. Seriously, you'd have to be giving away BAGS OF MONEY for me to get up that early and wait outside in the 40 degree weather. We had driven by the stores (Best Buy, Circuit City) last night after the movie, I wanted to point out to my daughter how crazy people can get about saving 10 dollars on something they probably dont need to begin with. Tent city. It boggles the mind. She just stared at them and asked "Where do they go to the bathroom?" Good question I said. Looking around I realized that there was nothing open anywhere and not a porta-potty to be found. Ew, bet they're going in the bushes by the end of the mall, over by Pier 1. Ick. Sydney thought they must be pretty desperate. Thank dog she's practical like me. Her list for X-mas has 2 things on I a good mother or what?! HA!

Ok, thats it for now. Lots of pictures for the next post. Its gonna be chilly (46) in DC this weekend. Wish us luck!

P.S. Finished The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls this morning. Good book, very easy to read, I finished it in 9 hours.
On a whim we've decided to go to DC today. Joe got us a room (at a different hotel this time, not that the last one was a DIVE but cmon, you should NOT be able to see all of the rooms electrical and heating pipes and whatnot hanging over the bed) He just took the dogs over to the vets and when he gets back we'll be off.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Uh wassat?

I don't know what happened to my writing...its seemed to have disappeared completely. You know I haven't written a thing since my surgery. That's more than a damn year! My body chemistry changed, I know that, but I really didn't think it would change who I was internally. Wacky. I ran into one of the English profs the other day and she was all like "Hey, you know the deadline for submissions is only a month away!"( for the student published creative magazine-thin gee the school has) I was like" Uhhhhh...yeah.....I got some stuff. I'm just tweaking it. I'll submit a bunch before the deadline." ( Major lie) I'm not feeling it. AT ALL, period. I have nothing and trying to force it would make it worse. Hmmmm. I dunno.

My body fat is 23%. That's really good for a 41 year old woman with 2 kids, i guess. Someone in my gym class said I was lying, that I wasn't 41. He thinks I'm in my late 20's. I have an extreme urge to kiss him on the lips. He he. Late 20's....uh, right. My gym teacher has a crush on me and its yukky (he's in the 65 range). I play it up so that he gives me a better that wrong? I don't care. I need the A. I really like going to college, I could perhaps make a career of it.....I don't think Joe would like that though....he expects me to make some frigging money at some point. Damn shame cause I'm a superior student, probably in the genius level at least. HA!

OK. I really need to study now. I have Spanish out the wazoo that I need to finish for the AM. Grrrrrrr. Hate it. Nightie nite y'all. Ta ta.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brown deers

The sunrise should have come first but know crazy Blogger, it does what it wants.
Deer in my backyard has become a daily occurance since mating season started. They kinda scare me.....I dont like forest creatures too much. Thats why I'm glad we have the chain link at the backdoor.....I would loose my mind if one of those things got up to the backdoor. Anyway, the sunrises are brilliant every morning now...yellow, orange, pink, gold, and sometimes purple. The pictures just dont do them justice. By December they will stop and go back to being just plain old bluish sunrises, I wonder why that is....hmmmm.
Only 16 more days of school. That will take me right up to my last exam. Thank frikkin dawg!
X-mas is coming so fast.....very depressing. I know the kid loves it but its so much damn work. I seriously have to start shopping before all the good stuff is gone. Hehe.
Anyway, thats it for now. Tata.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

19 Days till Exam week!

WooHoo. I managed to get an 88 on my Nutrition exam! I'm feeling much better now. That means I can get an 80 on the final and still pull out a B for the semester. Wheeeee!

As for'm still catching up. We have our last test this Thursday and I'm sweatin it.

In yukkier news, my incision is ugly and hard and feels weird. Also I've broken out in an all-over body rash/itching which is driving me insane. I hate to say it but I think I'm having a reaction to the pig skin graft they put in me. I hope I'm wrong! I'm calling the doc tomorrow.

Joe and Syd just left for a motorcycle ride, its the "thing" they do together on his days off. I'm glad they found something to do together.

Life is kinda on auto-pilot for the moment. We, as a couple, are doing ok. We found a therapist that seems to know her ass from her elbow. I'm hoping that we can stick with her for awhile. Joe has managed to keep up on alot (not ALL) of the changes since August. Therapy gives me a chance to nudge him back (he would say NAG) onto the right path without feeling like I'm always chastising him. I take it a week at a time.

Other than that junk.....alls well. Cant believe the semester is almost over! Holy crap. Technically I graduate in December with my Associates of Science. Yay me. I will be taking a single class next semester (Spanish II) but only because I dont want to have to take it once I transfer to VCU. So I'll have until August of next year to unload this house and move up near Richmond. We've agreed to rent until we feel out the area. Dont want to make another mistake and buy a house somewhere that SUCKS! Hehe.

Ok kids, I'm outtie! Tata.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Uh, where am I???

Hello yall. Let me just say.....I'm feeling both relieved and irritated. Explanation to follow. Stand by one while I refill the wineglass.

Ok. So in my infinite wisdom (stop laughing) I decided it would be best to skip ALL of my other classes this week because of the dread of my upcoming Nutrition exam. Which I did of course. But to my credit, I studied every day, very hard, like my life depended on it. Ok so, today was the day of the BIG exam. I skipped all my classes, opting to sit in the library and study until my eyes bled. (uh, they didnt but they were really red) 12:30 arrives and my brain informs me that it is no longer accepting ANY new information. I'm tired....irritated...did I say tired?.....yes, and most of all I just want this FRIGGIN THING TO BE OOOOOOVVVVVER! ugh. Long story short. We sit down.....I'm on autopilot....I cant even remember most of it....I'm the first one done. I dunno if thats a bad thing or a good thing yet. I FEEL like I did ok. That bitch wont grade them till next week (passive aggressive) so I'll let you know when I find out. As I leave the building I swear I feel like I've just given birth. Ahhhhhhhh. Did I mention that her final is cumulative??? I may have to take a few muscle relaxers to get through that one. G-zus.

I'm having wine. It will be a short-lived relaxation though. I've missed an entire week of Spanish. Ai Carumba! She's a very understanding teacher BUT I dunno, I may have to put on my big weepy puppy eyes. Oh Plllleeeeeez senorita! Hehe.

Well kids, thats it for pictures (boooooo!) I know but understand, I'm a crazy busy woman. Thank you and goodnight!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


A lovely sunrise...and a hideous wound.

Sorry about the proximity of the two images but Blogger is stupid and this is how it lets me post.

The sunrise this morning at around 6:30 am. It really is striking when you're standing on the back porch. It looks like the forest is on fire. Pictures just dont do it justice.

My surgery was last Wed and it went well. The wound was closed with surgical glue, pretty cool stuff. Feels like plastic. I had been taking it easy, milling around the house until yesterday. I decided I needed to go to WalMart for stuff. Bad idea. By the time I got home my belly was triple the size. Looks like I swallowed a bowling ball. This morning it isnt much better. So today my husband hid all of my shoes and said "You may not leave the house." Grrrrr. Can you say "cabin fever"? Ugh.

I have another Nutrition exam this Wednesday. Anxiety!!!! I'm going to start studying for it since I'm trapped. Although the seductive call of Solitaire is hard to resist! Stupid willpower.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pics of the hair

Well, here they are. Pictures of the new "do". Doesnt look as good in pictures as I think it looks in person. Oh well. I like it and am getting used to doing the whole "styling" thing.
I would have posted more pictures of the fall foliage but Blogger sucks. The one above is from about 2 weeks ago, the reds and yellows are so much more brilliant now.
Anyway, had my pre-op this morning. Blood, EKG and chest X-Ray. I'm ready to get this over with, surgery sucks so bad.
Anyway, thats it for now. Tata.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November hath cometh!!!

Hello yall. My birthday last week went well. Actually it was pretty much a normal day. The fam bought me some things I didnt ask for (I'm not ungrateful, just puzzled) The reason I make a specific list is because in the past my family have typically bought me dollar store gifts because "I'm so hard to buy for". Logical answer was to make up a detailed list with items ranging in price from lowest to "dream on". Hehe. I ended up having to buy myself some lovely items off of that list the day after the occasion. Oh well.

It seems that autumn is truly a time for change. On Friday I was shopping without children (gasp!) and stopped in at a hair salon. Yep. I cut it all off. Really. All of it. It was a shock to my system and I was so scared that I would regret it but actually, I love it. I'll take some pictures when I get a chance.

Yesterday we drove up to Kings Dominion for the last night of their Hallo-scream. We didnt get there until lunchtime because I knew we wouldnt last the entire day and the night if we went early. After riding 3 coasters I was done......the last one was a neck-breaker and I am still paying for it today. I have no padding around my shoulders or neck and all that bouncing and spinning just tears me up. My collarbones are dark blue. Ick. Anyway, Joe and Syd rode the rest of the day while Avery and I walked around and shopped. I found a Starbucks (YAY!) and so I was happy. Around 6pm they started up the halloween stuff. Syd wouldnt go on anything, terrified that someone was going to grab her. We stayed until 10 and it got so cold that I said "Enough!" Got home close to midnight and my god was I whipped.

Anyway, thats it for now. My surgery is this Wed. so I'll post when I get home. Tata.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hating Blogger

Ok I officially want to kick Blogger in the nuts. Cant upload shit on this thing. You can blame them for my lack of posting. Bah.

Oh yeah and tomorrows my birthday. Boooo. Stupid time space continuum. Who came up with that retarded abstract anyway? Wankers. I like to think of myself as "timeless". Too bad they refuse to put that as an "age" on my license. Crappy DMV. I'm irritated. Tata.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hello again.

Not much new to say. I did well on my Nutrition exam (a 90%), nothing to sneeze at. I have a Spanish exam this coming week, I'm not sweating it too bad. Registration for next semester starts this week, I'm trying to decide if I want to register for 1 class or not. I dont really need any more credits but I should take the second half of Spanish before I transfer, I'll decide once I talk to my advisor.

Found out last Thursday that I'll be going in for surgery on November 5th. The hernia in my gut has gotten so big that my intestine is just constantly poking out now. My doc told me I would be stupid to risk living with it, she says exactly whats on her mind. I worry about a blockage, especially because of the bypass. So its an outpatient procedure and not my first hernia. I should be recovered in a couple days, no lifting for 2 weeks. I'm only pissed because I have to be intubated....HATE intubatiuon....always screws up my throat and neck.....the drugs make me itch and feel sick. Blah.

Anyhow. Nuthin else for now. Tata.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rainy rain

Hola kids! I'm just dropping a line while I have a chance. My school workload has taken over my weekend. I have a huge Nutrition test on Monday and its making my brain crazy. I didnt do so well on the last one so I need to redeem myself, and bring my grade up.

Its been raining since yesterday, that sprinkley, irritating rain. Gah. The temp dropped too. It went from a balmy 86 to 52, thats a big difference here.

I've been so busy that the gym has tended to go by the wayside. I know, BAD Michelle. It just cant be helped sometimes. Syd and I have to be able to get our homework done and lately we have had alot. Working out will always take a backseat. I did, however, volunteer to join the girls soccer team at school. My gym teacher almost wet his pants when I said yes. Thats good because I need the brownie points.

Well, thats about it. I'll take some pictures this week, promise. Tata.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

That was a LONG day!

Hey yall! Holy crabcakes, its been awhile yeah? Ah well, mah life is just so busy lately. Yall will have to be patient.
Yesterday I went on a school trip to DC (Yep, just went there not too long ago) Didnt matter. I took the opprotunity to have an entire day without kids/husband and see some cool shit on my own. FUN!
I hooked up with a girl from my Spanish class and we took off on our own. Its easier to move quickly when there's just 2 of you. So we hit Starbucks (of course)and then the Museum of Natural History. Long story short. The Zoo, White House, a couple Art museums and we rode the Metro a few times. ALOT of walking, like 20 miles. The bus left at 5:30. Got home at 10 pm.
Okay, for some reason this damn site doesnt want to put my pictures anywhere EXCEPT at the top of the post. IRRITATING! If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know. Thanks!

Friday, October 10, 2008

I die alittle more every day....

Oh, I'm not sad. Its inevitable right?! From the day we're born, we're dying. Morbid maybe but very true. Anyway, I ponder my mortality because, yes kids, its coming up on the old birthday. 19 more days. ((Big Sigh.))

At the request of a few people, I made up a Target list. You just go to the Target website and look up my name in the Lists section. Dont feel obliged to buy me stuff.....hehe.

Oooops, I have to run. I forgot I have to pick up one of the offspring early! Tata!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ok, so I dont technically "hate" change but I do loathe the fact that I have to learn a whoooooole new site when I was completely happy with the old one. Grrrrr. Ok my bitching is over. Sorta.

It has been a hard coupla weeks for me friends. I swear, just when I think I got it all wrapped up in a pretty box.......the backend unwinds. I havent had enough hours in the day and my grades have been showing it. I finally finished my self-portrait for art (THANK ALL THE GAWDS!) I think that drawing was sucking my will to live. It isnt graded yet but she is hinting that she likes it, but at this point, I am just glad its over.

Driving up to the city last night, the sky was that kind of brilliant that takes your breath away. You cant tell from the blurry photo but it really was spectacular.
For some reason blogger wants all of my pictures to be posted at the top. Grrrr. Did I mention I hate change???!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

holy crap...I guess I'm moving

AOL has just informed me that they are closing down their blogging sites. WTF??? So I had to scamper to build a new site to link to. I dont know if I'll be staying at this new site but you can go there for now. Bah!

Thoughts - pinkshell4u's blogs

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hard to believe that I'll be 41 next month. I dont feel 41. The number depresses me, I've decided not to think about it anymore.

My days have been so hectic. I get up at 5:50am every morning and dont stop moving until after 10 pm. Here it is Sunday and even though I got to sleep until 7, I'm still going to be super busy all day. Bah.

I havent taken any pictures lately, havent had the time. Joe has been sick this past week which adds to my household load. I'm hoping that next weekend I'll get alittle relaxation.

Anyway, its time to get going. Tata.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Digest this.

Tomorrow I have an exam. Yep, on the digestive system. Actually it's on 4 chapters of carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Hormones and enzymes. Scientific jargon abounds! Wheeeee! I'm screwed. Why? Not because I'm stoopid. Nah. Not because I'm lazy. Nope. It's because my teacher is oldschool. She doesnt believe in giving hints or even reviewing. Nope, you're on your own. Do you know how much information is in 4 chapters????  Insanity. Oh well, Imma do what I can and hope for the best.

I dont know if any of you noticed but I inserted a Amazon wish list button on my sidebar. Feel free to feed my literary crack habit, as sadly I cannot afford to visit my dealer as often as I would like. I'm not picky either, I dont mind the really used or abused books, it all reads the same.

Anyhow, I should go back to the books. Tata!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crispy Morning

Last night I was sleepwalking. Creepy. Havent done that in awhile. Stress. At least I didnt leave the house this time.

Joe and I fired the therapist we were seeing. Although she seemed fine at first, we both agreed that she had no plan for us. Not so much a plan but I think a therapist should point you in the right direction, give you options, etc. This one just wasnt working for us. And, most of all for me at least, that bitch was always LATE. Not just 5 minutes either. Screw that. If I'm considerate enough to be on time, you should be too. I dont think thats unreasonable. I'm looking for a new one today, maybe a man this time.

As for us, we're doing ok. Its been just over a month and the changes he made are still working. Even though he has his daily irritations, overall I think his mindset is much more positive. He's also working out at the gym on all of his days off. We have decided to only plan for the next 6 months.....its easier to manage and doesnt seem so daunting. So, I'm feeling pretty good, maybe even alittle hopeful.

I think today could officially be marked as the change from summer to fall. The air has that crispy quality.....lower humidity makes me very happy. AND 57 this morning. The kids wore sweatshirts (Mahm! It's COLD out!). 57 is cold? Since when?

Well, I'm off to school. Wish me luck, I'm conjugating Spanish verbs this morning (insert vomit noises here). Adios!

Monday, September 15, 2008

DC Trip Part 2

Hello kids. Sorry it took so long to get back but well.....thats life yaknow.

I randomly picked some pictures because there were just too many to post them all.

Walking from the GW Monument down to the Lincoln Memorial.

Syd and I in front of the reflecting pool (which is YUKKY btw, nasty filthy).

Abe and the fam.

Syd at the Vietnam Vets wall.

Our last stop of the day...The Capital building.

It was a great trip and I think the thing that struck me the most about Dc was the scale of everything. HUGE! Its one thing to see these monuments on tv but its a whole nother ballgame when you're standing right next to it. We're planning to go back fer sure!

School is going ok I guess. Spanish is kicking my ass. I think I'm too old to learn another brain only thinks in english. Its alot of memorization, gah. All my other classes are cake....for now at least.

Everything else is pretty much the same. I'm looking forward to fall, my favorite time of year. The sunrises behind the house in the fall are breathtaking. I'll take pictures for sure.

Thats it for now! Tata.

Friday, September 12, 2008

DC Part 1



Franklin, outside of the Post Office

Saturday afternoon. It had just stopped raining. The Mall in front of the capital.

Still on the Mall, facing the Washington monument.

Post Office.

At the hotel. We are tired and wet. The rooms are old and tightly packed but are located 2 blocks from the White House.

Looking out our window.

Other side window.

Lots of Hillary for Prez shirts on sale.

Sat. night at the White House.

Sunday morning @the White House.

This guy sits right across the street from the White House. His face has tattoos all over it that say Peace and Do The Right Thing. Whacky. There was also this Japanese lady who walked around banging on a drum for peace. I guess they're allowed to do it as long as they stay on this side of the street.

Washington Monument.

Standing at the Wash. Monument looking down to the Lincoln Memorial.

And I'm sorry to say, thats all the pictures I've managed to d/l so far. I have much more which I will have to load up later today.