Ok......I know this looks like an expose of me but honestly.......there were NO good pictures of Avery and Joe forbid me from posting pictures of him. So, you're stuck with me, my daughter and my Dad. Oh well.
A lovely sunrise...and a hideous wound.
Sorry about the proximity of the two images but Blogger is stupid and this is how it lets me post.
The sunrise this morning at around 6:30 am. It really is striking when you're standing on the back porch. It looks like the forest is on fire. Pictures just dont do it justice.
My surgery was last Wed and it went well. The wound was closed with surgical glue, pretty cool stuff. Feels like plastic. I had been taking it easy, milling around the house until yesterday. I decided I needed to go to WalMart for stuff. Bad idea. By the time I got home my belly was triple the size. Looks like I swallowed a bowling ball. This morning it isnt much better. So today my husband hid all of my shoes and said "You may not leave the house." Grrrrr. Can you say "cabin fever"? Ugh.
I have another Nutrition exam this Wednesday. Anxiety!!!! I'm going to start studying for it since I'm trapped. Although the seductive call of Solitaire is hard to resist! Stupid willpower.
AOL has just informed me that they are closing down their blogging sites. WTF??? So I had to scamper to build a new site to link to. I dont know if I'll be staying at this new site but you can go there for now. Bah!
Hard to believe that I'll be 41 next month. I dont feel 41. The number depresses me, I've decided not to think about it anymore.
My days have been so hectic. I get up at 5:50am every morning and dont stop moving until after 10 pm. Here it is Sunday and even though I got to sleep until 7, I'm still going to be super busy all day. Bah.
I havent taken any pictures lately, havent had the time. Joe has been sick this past week which adds to my household load. I'm hoping that next weekend I'll get alittle relaxation.
Anyway, its time to get going. Tata.
Tomorrow I have an exam. Yep, on the digestive system. Actually it's on 4 chapters of carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Hormones and enzymes. Scientific jargon abounds! Wheeeee! I'm screwed. Why? Not because I'm stoopid. Nah. Not because I'm lazy. Nope. It's because my teacher is oldschool. She doesnt believe in giving hints or even reviewing. Nope, you're on your own. Do you know how much information is in 4 chapters???? Insanity. Oh well, Imma do what I can and hope for the best.
I dont know if any of you noticed but I inserted a Amazon wish list button on my sidebar. Feel free to feed my literary crack habit, as sadly I cannot afford to visit my dealer as often as I would like. I'm not picky either, I dont mind the really used or abused books, it all reads the same.
Anyhow, I should go back to the books. Tata!
Last night I was sleepwalking. Creepy. Havent done that in awhile. Stress. At least I didnt leave the house this time.
Joe and I fired the therapist we were seeing. Although she seemed fine at first, we both agreed that she had no plan for us. Not so much a plan but I think a therapist should point you in the right direction, give you options, etc. This one just wasnt working for us. And, most of all for me at least, that bitch was always LATE. Not just 5 minutes either. Screw that. If I'm considerate enough to be on time, you should be too. I dont think thats unreasonable. I'm looking for a new one today, maybe a man this time.
As for us, we're doing ok. Its been just over a month and the changes he made are still working. Even though he has his daily irritations, overall I think his mindset is much more positive. He's also working out at the gym on all of his days off. We have decided to only plan for the next 6 months.....its easier to manage and doesnt seem so daunting. So, I'm feeling pretty good, maybe even alittle hopeful.
I think today could officially be marked as the change from summer to fall. The air has that crispy quality.....lower humidity makes me very happy. AND 57 this morning. The kids wore sweatshirts (Mahm! It's COLD out!). 57 is cold? Since when?
Well, I'm off to school. Wish me luck, I'm conjugating Spanish verbs this morning (insert vomit noises here). Adios!
Hello kids. Sorry it took so long to get back but well.....thats life yaknow.
I randomly picked some pictures because there were just too many to post them all.
Walking from the GW Monument down to the Lincoln Memorial.
Syd and I in front of the reflecting pool (which is YUKKY btw, nasty filthy).
Abe and the fam.
Syd at the Vietnam Vets wall.
Our last stop of the day...The Capital building.
It was a great trip and I think the thing that struck me the most about Dc was the scale of everything. HUGE! Its one thing to see these monuments on tv but its a whole nother ballgame when you're standing right next to it. We're planning to go back fer sure!
School is going ok I guess. Spanish is kicking my ass. I think I'm too old to learn another language.....my brain only thinks in english. Its alot of memorization, gah. All my other classes are cake....for now at least.
Everything else is pretty much the same. I'm looking forward to fall, my favorite time of year. The sunrises behind the house in the fall are breathtaking. I'll take pictures for sure.
Thats it for now! Tata.
Franklin, outside of the Post Office
Saturday afternoon. It had just stopped raining. The Mall in front of the capital.
Still on the Mall, facing the Washington monument.
Post Office.
At the hotel. We are tired and wet. The rooms are old and tightly packed but are located 2 blocks from the White House.
Looking out our window.
Other side window.
Lots of Hillary for Prez shirts on sale.
Sat. night at the White House.
Sunday morning @the White House.
This guy sits right across the street from the White House. His face has tattoos all over it that say Peace and Do The Right Thing. Whacky. There was also this Japanese lady who walked around banging on a drum for peace. I guess they're allowed to do it as long as they stay on this side of the street.
Washington Monument.
Standing at the Wash. Monument looking down to the Lincoln Memorial.
And I'm sorry to say, thats all the pictures I've managed to d/l so far. I have much more which I will have to load up later today.