Here it is, the day before we shove off. I'm feeling stress and my head is spinning.....I'm sure I'm going to forget some crucial item even though I have made an extensive LIST(S). We will be going over said list around dinner time as we load up the car. My Dad will be travelling with us and has graciously agreed to carry the two huge-mongous cases of diapers (thank dog!) because those things were going to seriously limit the amount of other stuff I could fit in the clown car. I know I'll forget something, as long as it isnt a charger or power cord for one of the MANY electronic items, we'll be fine.
Grampa bought Child #2 an iPod shuffle and it is now the focus of her entire life. We downloaded some music for it (about 12 songs) and she listens to them over and over.
Ok, well, I have to run. Things to do, children to pummel. I dont know when I'll be able to post again. Depending on how hectic the trip becomes, I may be able to put some pictures up tomorrow night. Take care and see ya soon! Tata.