Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Uh, where am I???

Hello yall. Let me just say.....I'm feeling both relieved and irritated. Explanation to follow. Stand by one while I refill the wineglass.

Ok. So in my infinite wisdom (stop laughing) I decided it would be best to skip ALL of my other classes this week because of the dread of my upcoming Nutrition exam. Which I did of course. But to my credit, I studied every day, very hard, like my life depended on it. Ok so, today was the day of the BIG exam. I skipped all my classes, opting to sit in the library and study until my eyes bled. (uh, they didnt but they were really red) 12:30 arrives and my brain informs me that it is no longer accepting ANY new information. I'm tired....irritated...did I say tired?.....yes, and most of all I just want this FRIGGIN THING TO BE OOOOOOVVVVVER! ugh. Long story short. We sit down.....I'm on autopilot....I cant even remember most of it....I'm the first one done. I dunno if thats a bad thing or a good thing yet. I FEEL like I did ok. That bitch wont grade them till next week (passive aggressive) so I'll let you know when I find out. As I leave the building I swear I feel like I've just given birth. Ahhhhhhhh. Did I mention that her final is cumulative??? I may have to take a few muscle relaxers to get through that one. G-zus.

I'm having wine. It will be a short-lived relaxation though. I've missed an entire week of Spanish. Ai Carumba! She's a very understanding teacher BUT I dunno, I may have to put on my big weepy puppy eyes. Oh Plllleeeeeez senorita! Hehe.

Well kids, thats it for pictures (boooooo!) I know but understand, I'm a crazy busy woman. Thank you and goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm struggling with school right now, too. The end of the semester is upon me and I feel like I'm in one of those dreams where I'm naked but don't know it until I sit down behind my desk and reach into my non existant pocket for a pen...