Monday, February 9, 2009


Howdy yall. The weekend was so nice (70+ degrees) that we spent most of it outdoors. Sadly, I forgot the damn camera so no pictures.

Saw Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Take my word for it, save your money

I got my Spanish test back, an 83, which is a B so I'm cool with that. I still hate Spanish though.

Havent had anyone come to see the house for weeks. Its depressing but I'm trying to stay optimistic. Before the end of the month I'm going to host a realtors luncheon (lots of free food) so that the locals will be more apt to mention my house to potential buyers. The real buying season doesnt kick in until March-April so I'm hopeful.

Well I have much to do before the offspring get home so I'm outties! Tata!

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