I have to get over this. I have this class until May ferchrissake. Its giving me anxiety.
Joe and I are doing this
" if you want to take a trip without me, its cool"thing. I mean, I've never had a problem with him taking off. Some women would hold a grudge or feel neglected, not me, I figure he's a big boy and works for his money so why not? Only, and this is a recent development (i think), he doesnt want me to have the same freedom. Its completely cool if he goes off alone to do his thing but I have to have a CHAPERONE. I can't be trusted (in what sense I'm not sure) and he got all squirmy when I grilled him on it. I got irritated and demanded to know why I couldnt be trusted (which he didnt outright say but it was implied) I had never given him a reason to NOT trust me. In fact, he used to leave for MONTHS on end when we didnt have any kids and he had no problem then. I refreshed his memory that until 3 years ago we hadnt spent even half a year together on the same continent ( The Navy will do that). Yeah, he got that puzzled look on his face, kinda like when a dog hears a really high pitch noise, and walked away. I'm still very irate about this double-standard and plan on bringing it up at our next therapy session on Friday. Now, dont get me wrong, I'm not trying to slip away alone so that I can have some sordid affair. I would PROBABLY not even want to go anywhere on my own but the idea that I couldnt if I wanted to just burns me up. I know, I should let it go. If you know me, you know that I cant. HA!
Anyway, thats about it. If you're looking for me, I'm probably on Facebook, which is alot like crack. I'm sure the novelty will wear off but for now, I'm an addict. hehe. Tata.
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