Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1. And I've already backslid on the high ideal that I wanted to uphold. I really need to relax a little. But I know ME. Give a mouse a cookie, and he'll want a glass of milk. I cannot give myself leeway, at least not in the beginning. I have to be Nazi militant in my dedication. Holy Balls Of Headache!!! I wake up with a screamer and my husband is making a huge pot of coffee. "Have a cup", he smirks, "it aint gonna kill you." Fahk. My brain grows an arm and before I realize what has happened, there is a cup of coffee in my hand. I use almond milk and 1 splenda, it tastes like CRAP. So I drink half and dump the rest. Take Advil. Eat my 1/4 cup oats with almonds and raisins. Banana at 9am. Lunch is 3 oz chicken, polenta, black beans, avocado, red pepper and lettuce. Stuffed. 1/4 cup raisins at 2pm with 2 oz chicken. My head is still not good. And I itch. Why? No clue. Making a gluten-free meatloaf and kale salad for dinner. I hate this part. De-tox makes me all kinds of evil. Gah.

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