Of course not literally, that would catch a few eyes (i hope). I took my daughter to the mall and while there, started my period. No warning. Nothing. Just....POP....Hello, I'll be joining you at the mall today! Well, needless to say, we left. She wanted to stay and persisted with "You can buy something at the information kiosk!" Uh, no. This is one time in my life that shopping would definately NOT take precedence over a bodily function. Her moping will be legendary.
I had so much free time in the hospital this last week and no laptop. I probably could have written an epic. Well, let me just say, on Thursday I refused to turn on the TV and I sat in my private room and monologued all day......thats at least 19 hours for me folks!!!! Can I recreate one now? Not to save my damn life. All that lost material, what a waste. Nothing like drugs and fever to open up that imagination gateway huh?!
So now I'm looking forward....to the future.....well, the next week at least. I talked Joe into staying home on Tuesday so that I could go to school. He was off anyway, he just was hoping for some overtime. I need him to take Avery to the immunization clinic on Tues morning though to get that mandatory shot before he can go to school. Aint that some shit? I'll drop Syd off at 8:30 and drive my baggy ass to school by 9:30. I'll then spend the day trying to CATCH UP. Oh and I also get to explain why I'll be missing MORE class on Friday, which I'm sure will thrill my profs to death. Hopefully Wed and Thurs will be just me and the kids going to school, no crises or sickness. Then Thursday night I fast for surgery Friday morning. Friday morning is as far as I'm planning, I dont want to get too cocky. Planning next week could bring on an anurysm,a club foot or even blindness.....I'm not taking any chances.

Avery and Sweetie 8/1/07