Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bad Shelly Bad

Yesterday turned out to be a very non-productive day.  I managed to OPEN the history book, I just never READ it.  It sat in front of me until I gave in and turned on the TV.  Guess what was on!  Hercules!  Thats Greek history right??!!  Sorta.  Wow, what luck, its a 3 hour mini-series.  So I sit back and watch the whole damn thing.  Very informative and no reading involved.  I eat alittle lunch and tell myself that once I finish the TV will be turned off, I must read that damn history!  While I'm eating another movie comes on, Jason and the Argonauts!  More Greek history!!!  Imagine that. You guessed it, I ended up watching it, well, most of it.....I did take a nap towards the end.  So there it is in all its brutal honesty, I havent studied.  Its Sunday you say, you still have time!  Well, not really.  I have to drive to Portsmouth today to pick up diapers for my son which is an all day affair.  I'll figure something out, I'm just very glad I finished that Physics.  Ok, I'm off. Tata.

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