Wow, impressive. One person voted in my poll. Good thing my feelings arent easily hurt yall.
So this morning was spectacular. I stood on the back porch, listening to the roosters crow and smelling the morning dew.....sounds corny but it really is a highlight of my day.

After getting the kids off to school I took the rest of the day to just do some things for myself. I know, selfish me, ha. Went to the mall to pick up some things for Child#2 and ended up trying on pants. I mean, I NEVER try on pants. Well, I usually have 2 whiney kids with me so I never even consider trying on pants. I tried on at least 3 pairs per store in at least 6 stores. Amazing. And I didnt even break a sweat.
Joe came back from Minnesota and I guess he decided that Child #2 needed a GUN. (i sit silent and stunned) Child #2 has a hard time with existing on a daily basis so now we're going to give her a deadly weapon. I'm at a loss for words. He shows me said gun and this leads to a very heated discussion (FIGHT!) What the hell were you thinking? Ok, this does not end well. I take a few days to think about it. Ok, he will definately NOT back down so I have to just accept that this is going to happen. I know that Child #2 will be crazy excited so I make it VERY clear what kinds of rules need to be instilled in this child so that she doesnt kill us or some poor bystander. Flash forward. Yesterday Child #2 gets home from school and Joe pulls her into the bedroom, closing the door. They emerge with Child#2 grinning so big that I was sure her head would explode. Gun in hand they trudged out to the back of the property to try her hand at shooting.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Out of about 20 shots, she hit the target 3 times. Not too bad I guess for a first timer.
Ok, so I have 2 exams on Thursday and one on Friday so I'm all about studying the rest of the week. When I get back to posting I will have pictures of THE TREE. Promise.
8:04 PM
How silly of me to think I would actually study. HA! Instead I wrapped presents, strung lights and helped Joe clean up the attic. Fabulous right?! Oh and after dinner I made a very sad excuse for having to go to WalMart JUST. TO. GET. AWAY. Thats how bad I dont want to study. I asked Joe if he would hate me if I got an F in Physics. He said of course not honey, you did your best. God I love him. hehe.
The big NEWS tonight. I bought a size 8 and brought them home. I swear each pair of pants is becoming this whole adoption process for me. Will they like me? I wonder how long theyll stay? So I rush to try them on when I get home, careful not to disturb the many tags hanging from them. Oh. Ugh. Wait. There we go. YEAH! I got those bitches on. Well, technically they're ON. It looks like I've been poured into them and some of the liquid gelled around the waist. MUFFINTOP. Ew. I try tucking said muffin in and belting it. Nope. The minute I move the muffin creeps back out. Dangit! I'm wearing them as I type because I refuse to take them off without getting a picture and Joe isnt home yet. This is a very big deal for me. Its a SINGLE digit ferchissake. I was NEVER a single digit. Shit, I thought I was skinny when I was wearin a 12. So I got out the tape measure and with the pants on my hip is at 43. Groan. Ideally I'd like to lose another 7 inches in that area. Granted it is my TROUBLE area and I will have a harder time getting it offa there but I'm willin to work fer it! My waist is down to 33 and I could live with getting it down to 26-28, I dont think thats outrageous. My chest is holding at a 34C and I could definately live with alittle less but if it doesnt change thats fine too. Anyway, I gotta jet.
Tata again.