Thursday, December 13, 2007

Say Cheee....wait, no....cheese is bad.

These pictures are bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. I dont know why I'm posting them. I guess I just cant help myself.  Remember the whole Size 8 thing? Well, when Joe got home I made him take pictures.  He also informed me that I may not want to wear these in PUBLIC yet.  Why are men so dumb?

Ok, they're alittle snug.  He wanted me to pose with my shirt lifted up.....HA! Uh, no. The shirt hides the 6 pounds of flesh hanging over the top, thank. you. very. much.

The back end is just as hideous (although fairly small). I've always carried some wicked big saddlebags, probably always will. Um, unless the plastic surgeon fairy comes along......

Finished my Physics and Speech exams today (can you hear that? Its my relief.) One more tomorrow and I be finished until Jan 7th. Wheeeee!


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