Sunday, December 2, 2007

Draggin my feets.

6:20 am off the back porch.

I'm stalling. I dont want to write the rest of my debate. Ugh. I still have Physics to get done as well. I did however get my History finished. Yay.

I wanted to take some new pictures today but the memory card is full and I need to go to Walgreens to print them out.  Maybe later. Weighed 159 this morning. Ate 1/2 a Soup to Go, 5 pepperonis, 1/2 a cup of white bean chicken chili and a mini bag of popcorn.  This morning: 1 piece wheat toast with 1/2 a small banana. I dont usually do banana, it has reeked havoc on my belly in the past, but decided to give it another chance. So far so good.

I need to get to work dammit. Crap. Tata.

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