Child #1, happy for some reason at 5:30 am
So Joe gets home about 3:30pm yesterday. He looks awful and complains that he thinks he has a bladder infection. Well before he left he had complained that he was having trouble peeing. Hmmmm, a connection maybe? (Uh, I know there is but he's not quite as quick as I am) So I tell him, You HAVE to go to the doctor this morning, whether you want to or not because if you let this go it will only get worse. Reluctantly he goes this morning. Let's hope they dont give him Tylenol and send him home.
So I recieved a new animal, Molly. Joe brought his Mom's 10 year old Toy Poodle back with him. She's very puffy and desperately needs a shave, which she's going to get today. I bought her a new collar and a new tag last night. I also got her a sheepskin bed for in her kennel like the one Sweetie has. It was a very rough night last night. She whined and yelped for hours so Joe dragged the kennel into our room and she seemed to settle down. Sweetie is very upset about this whole situation and the nipping started as soon as Molly hit the floor. It will take time but I think they'll tolerate each other eventually.
A face only a mother could love. I'll put up a post-grooming picture, there should be a huge difference.
I wasnt going to post this picture of me. I look fat. My buldgy arm and my not-so-small waist and my gigantic thighs. I know, I'm being critical but I'm also being honest. Its how I feel. My hair is so thin and lifeless that I can hardly keep it in an alligator clip anymore.
Bah, more later.