Monday, May 19, 2008

Rant......may be offensive to some.

I dont usually wear shirts that have animals on them (TA-CKY) but this one was completely me. 

Got my test back today, an 84, its a B so I'm not complaining. The class average was 68.  I only have the rest of this week and next so I'm taking it seriously.....well, I'm trying to.

Breakfast: 100 cal bagel, 1TBsp Peanut Butter, 1/2 grapefruit.

Before Class to keep me awake: Grande Soy SF Cinn. Dolce Latte

Snack: Natures Valley oats and honey granola bars

Lunch: Ukrops salad bar, 1 sm bag salt/vinegar chips

Snack: graham crackers with some Cool Whip Lite

SICK AS A DOG UNTIL 5:30 PM (Yes, i know, please dont write to tell me what I shouldnt have eaten)

Dinner: 2 sm. Italian bread pieces with some spag. sauce on them.

Snack to watch House tonight: Popcorn plain

Heres what I found. If I come home right after school, I am more likely to eat crap and get sick. Duh. Tomorrow I wont come right home and lets see if this works.

Ok, so, remember I told yall awhile ago that Joe wanted his family to get together for a vacation once a year and this year he was planning it? Well. Seems like going to St. Louis has been scratched because most of them cant take that kind of time off now. I mean most of them had to take significant time off when their Mom was sick so it probably isnt a good time to take off again. So, I ask him, Why dont we go to the Dells?  The Dells are these group of hotels in Wisconsin that all have water parks inside of them.  We pass them everytime we go to Winona and I've always wanted to go.  He's not crazy about the idea because 1. it costs money 2. he doesnt want to have to take his shirt off 3. its close to Winona so why not just go to Winona instead.  That last one is what came out of his mouth. So for a "vacation" he wants me and the kids to stay at his Moms house and hang out while he does whatever with his siblings. Do I sound angry?  Nah. Oh but there is still the possiblity that we may get to do something, I'm not clear what that something is but I'm sure it will either be FREE or very discounted. I guess I am alittle pissed off and maybe I shouldnt be but its shit like this that really fucking gets my goat.  His hidden agenda. He pulls this at home too. All I ask for is a nice place to stay with some things for the kids to do so that I dont have to play nursemaid all day (which I do anyway, I mean, cmon, I NEVER REALLY get a vacation) and its not like I'm ordering roomservice or running up a friggin tab in the bar. Oh and I'm not allowed to assert my opinion or say NO, why? because then it makes me look like I'm some sort of mega-bitch on a rampage to stop him from spending time with his family. I dont have real siblings, I cant possibly understand what he's feeling or going through and I should just shut up and let him do what he wants.  So I end up keeping my mouth shut and repeating my mantra "This too shall pass."  Why cant I just be one of those people who can easily roll? Go with the flow?  I'm trying but this whole thing has just got me feeling like I got splinters in my feet.

Honestly I think he's mad about my month-long trip.  He wont say he is but evertime he brings up an aspect of it there is a certain tone in his voice.  He thinks its a waste of money and I know he doesnt want to have to clean, cook, etc.  Doesnt matter that I'm taking both kids with me......I think he's mad that I cant take the dogs too.  He wants to fly up and meet us, then all of us drive to Winona from there. On thing, he thought the ticket would cost him like 50 bucks, he has a skewed veiw of the cost of ......everything.  So when I told him it would be $350 one way to Halifax he said How about to Bangor?  Bangor? REALLY? You want me to drive all the way down to Bangor to pick you up and there is only 75 dollars difference in the ticket??>? Can you see why I want to tear my hair out? I'm trying to talk him into just flying to Winona, spending the time with his family and we'll be there when we get there. I think the stress would be much lower in my scenario.

Okay, I'm tempted to erase this whole post but you know what? I'm not gonna. The reason I started this blog was to vent, good and bad, so there it is. Its not meant to offend anyone, its just how I feel. So, with that said, I'm outta here. Tata.




Anonymous said...

Just happened upon your journal.  I laughed out loud.  My husband has a skewed perception of money as well.  He's gotten much better over the years, though.  But lately he has been complaining about my spending more than usual on groceries.  REALLY????  I know this man reads the paper.  Hello....
Anyway, it made me think of him.
And you can't really call a month with 2 kids and no help a "vacation."  :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment Jen!  Joe has no problem spending tons of money on things he deems to be necessary (a GPS, a motorcycle,etc) but when I spend 100 on clothes for one kid he freaks out. 100 dollars buys next to nothing, sheesh, I paid 15 bucks for each pair of shorts and 8-10 bucks per shirt. 3 shorts, 3 shirts, one package of underwear and one bag of socks. Moneys gone! Anyway, its just the way he is, I dont think he'll ever change.