Wednesday, November 17, 2004

My aching back

I've been working a lot lately....picking up what has fallen.  I'm saving up to buy a leaf vacuum before my back snaps.  A riding mower that has a bagger and a leaf vacuum are what I asked Santa for this year.  Santa was also informed  of my need for an edger and a new weedeater. Santa will no doubt bring me DVDs and bath soaps, oh well.  Joe will be back on Monday, I had an e-mail from him this morning. He said a fire broke out onboard and took out some of the systems, it was brief and he didnt elaborate.  I hate the Navy, I'll be glad when he doesnt have to go out to sea anymore.  Anyway, time for dinner. Tata!

Thursday, November 4, 2004

Ummm, rain again.

Mom left yesterday, she was here for a week and we did a lot of renovating.  We installed wood floors downstairs and what a difference it makes. We also changed the dining room into the computer room and the front room into the dining room, looks much better now. I've been working sporadically, mowing season is almost over here and its mostly leaf pickup now.  When I slow down too much I'm going to pull Avery out of daycare, no sense paying for that if I'm home.  Joe leaves on the 12th and will be gone for about 2 weeks. He'll be home for X-mas but wont take any leave this time, he's saving up his leave for when he gets out next year, he can sell it back to the Navy. Anyway, thats about it here. Tata!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

RAIN! ugh.

So its been raining for 2 days straight. It wont rain today but I wont be able to mow anyway, my yards need a day to dry up. So, I called Karen (Coleman Landscaping) and asked her if she needed manpower.  I may be working for her today but hey, its money. 

I bought a new truck and its so great. Its a 2004 F150 V8 with a crew cab. Drives like butter. Bought it used with 22,000 miles on it so we got a great price. Now we're concentrating on selling the van.

Anyway, gotta jet!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Almost another year older

Its raining dammit. My work is backing up. I actually mowed in the rain this morning because I wouldnt have been able to reschedule the client until Oct 28th if I didnt do it today. Now that I have a trailer I'm also hauling trash and shit for people. I bought a 6X12 drop gate and she's beautiful.  I'm still saving up for the new weedeater that has interchangable heads, that may have to wait till spring.  Business is still booming and I havent run an ad in 4 weeks. I'm buying a new truck next week, mine is falling apart.  I also need more power to pull the trailer. Anyway, I gotta run. Toodles.

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Holy Crap, its already OCTOBER!?

Ahhhhhhhh  Fall, it's no longer humid, the days are shorter, and I can charge more for leaf pick-up.  I've only had 2 customers drop me for winter so far.  I'm scoping out the trailer I want, its a 6X10 v-neck and I'm figuring on buying it next week.  I'm also investing in a new weed-whacker that has interchangable heads so that I can edge with a metal blade when needed. 

Joe leaves tomorrow for Florida.  They'll be in Tampa for 3 days I think, I'm not sure, he's going to call me when he gets there.  They'll get back here on the 15th.

Sydney had her second Brownies meeting last Thursday, she really likes it.  They went to Nemo On Ice last night as a feild trip and she loved it.  She starts swimming lessons Monday.

Thats about it for now!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

September 22

Its getting cold now, not really cold but the humidity has dropped and its in the 60's at night.  I'm working at least one job a day, however many I think I can complete before picking up the kids. I pulled Sydney out of daycare to save money but left Avery in. He gets out at 1:40 and it just wouldnt leave me enough time to work. As soon as most of my regulars quit for winter I'll pull him too.  Financially, I'm getting more organized and managed to put an extra payment on myy 2 credit cards last payday. I hope to have one paid off by next May, keeping my fingers crossed. Hehe.

Friday, September 10, 2004

I'm back!!!

Yea.......i finally got a new puter, it was fairly painful.  Now I need a desk to put it on instead of this bakers rack.....the open drawers act as part of a desktop as to hold my mouse sits on a TV table to the side.............its pathetic for now. Its late and I have to pee so thats it for now.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Probably my last entry

Ok, so this is it.  I've managed to aquire 2 fairly malignant viruses that even the VirusScan missed.  I pay an extra $3.50 a month so that my MacAfee is completely up-to-date, what a friggin joke.  I'm actually pretty good at eradicating the usual viruses but these two are beyond me. So, within a few days my computer will be useless. Its going to kill me. I thought I'd just let everyone know.  This entry had taken me 30 minutes to write because the virus keeps booting me off of aol. Tata!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Another crappy day

My eating has slowly collapsed into a free-for-all.  Mostly because I'm on the go. Also because I want to vomit when I see tuna or spinach now. Ive been having a lot of stress at work too, that never helps.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

STRESS........its icky

I'm way too nervous and twitchy. Its screwing up my eating too.  Theyre Baked Lays but still, you eat a whole bag, it defeats the purpose. They still havent made a decision at work and our sale week is coming up fast. With no one to run the area, its going to be a mess. And i refuse to be the one in charge without getting paid for it.

Sunday, May 9, 2004

May 10

Happy Muthas Day!

I'm sleepy but doing okay. The weather is beginning to heat up which is a nice change. I'm still wearing a 16 and broke down and bought some shorts. Ugh. My eating has been good up until about 3pm, then I go crazy, heh. Not crazy but not good. I'm staying within my calorie count, its just bad calories. I'm working all week and that makes it easier to stay on plan.

I'm waiting to hear about the promotion at work. If it doesnt happen within 2 weeks, I'm going to leave.

Thursday, May 6, 2004

May 6

I passed my exam! Yeah! Now I can relax a bit.

I also put in for the Lead position at work. I'm the only qualified person for the job right now so there's a good chance!


Monday, May 3, 2004

May 3

Work is stressing me and on top of it, I have my re-test on Wednesday. I'm completely PMSing and crave chocolate like crazy. I'm trying to be good but its so hard. One day at a time.

Friday, April 30, 2004

April 30

Wow, 186 this morning, what a great surprise. I'm such a scale whore. I have to admit, it really starts my day off good if I'm down in weight. But, if I'm up, well........the day is shit. I rescheduled my national test for Wednesday, I'll be hitting the books again on Monday (i work all weekend...lucky me) I'm sure to pass this time because if I dont, could mean retardation can set in late in life and I may have to have myself committed. Positive thoughts.



Thursday, April 29, 2004

April 29

I passed the state, failed the national, crap. I get to try again in a few days. If you check out my eating yesterday you can see I was stress eating. I'm getting back on track today. My weight went up a pound, probably because of all the salt I ingested yesterday. FitDay - Online Diet & Fitness Manager

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

April 28

Of course I'm happy! 188 this morning, even after chowing down a huge bag of cheese popcorn last night. I felt like crap afterwards too, that'll teach me huh!? Testing today, I'm all nervous and crazy. Just want it to be over with.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

April 25

Crikey, 189 this morning. I'm happy. Now if I can just get to 188 by this weekend. Heh, a girl can dream cant she.? Well, my work clothes actually feel like they should now. That was a relief, because if I had to go up one more size I might just have committed a homicide. All my skinny clothes (12's and 14s) stare at me from my closet, mocking me. I screwed up the courage to try on (or attempt to try on) some of those smug little buggers the other day. I shouldnt have. I couldnt get any of my bloated body into anything I tried. Its hard to imagine that not so long ago I was comfortably WEARING these same clothes. And theyre so small and cute and so much more stylish than the sacks I'm wearing now. Have I mentioned that on May 1st we can wear shorts at work? Except me of course. I'd rather not show off my cheesy ass and legs to complete strangers, thanks anyway. I reserve that pleasure for my husband, hehe. No really. Its not that I'm scared, I'm doing everyone else a favor. Once I drop another 20, I'll consider it.

Monday, April 26, 2004

April 26

Today is the first day I've felt nauseous after I ate.  1 toast with LoSugar Jam and 3 oz vanilla yogurt with 5 slices of peaches, I felt so sick that I couldnt eat my egg whites. I'm choking them down now with a Raisin muffin bar. The egg whites serve a purpose, the high protien of them keeps me full longer. They taste like ass though. For the most part I'm doing okay.....I felt weak (my mind telling me I need food) almost all day yesterday. If I had of been alone, I may have succumbed. This morning I weighed in at 190, I was surprised, I thought it would take much much longer to drop weight without exercise. My calories are very low and I'm lowering my carbo intake, that could be why.


Sunday, April 25, 2004

April 25

Had another high calorie day yesterday, the evening meal made up about 1000 calories.  Good thing my breakfast and lunch were about 450. I didnt go over for the day but my sodium intake had me up all night, thirsty as hell. Today will be much better. The weather is beautiful and I'll be outside doing yard work all day. I take my final exam on Wednesday so I'll be studying for the next three days.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

April 22 again

Birthday cake. I ate a rather big piece and now I'm feeling............guilty and angry at myself for being so weak. I know one piece wont kill me but for me one piece is the key. Once I have one I start slipping backwards. I'll be fine this time, I just have to make sure it doesnt happen again.

April 22

I had chocolate last night and still managed to stay under 1400 cals. I'm eating less and remaining full during the day, a miracle. I have a feeling that its working because I'm not exercising yet. Once I start burning more, my body will want more. The only problem with hunger is, it gives me raging headaches. I cant function well when my head hurts. My weight is down to 192, I'll believe this whole thing is working when I go under 190.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

April 20

I'm doing so great. My eating has really been good. If I could only get my butt moving with some exercise now. My work pants feel better, not as tight. I watched The Swan last night, I envy those women. They cry and moan, I'd like to smack them. I'd sell a kidney to be able to have every surgery I wanted......have veneers put on my crooked teeth, oh get a personal trainer and hairstylist. I'd be in heaven.

Monday, April 19, 2004

April 19

What a great day we had yesterday! It was up to 82 and we spent the whole day outside. I bought popsicles (bad idea for me), if they're in the house and fat free, I eat alot of them. My calories were only about 1300 yesterday, very high in the protein dept. I've started eating 12 oz of tuna for lunch, it keeps me full alot longer than a reg. lunch. If my stomach isnt hungry I dont think about food. Makes sense huh!? I'm making up some short term goals. I may take up walking OR buy one of those exercise DVDs, I havent decided yet.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

April 18

Yesterday was the highest my caloric intake has been since I started, 1700.Saturday I had pizza last night and some other processed stuff that I'm trying to stay away from, it wasnt a slip per se. I wanted it, so I ate it. I have to keep in mind that I want to eat like this forever and nothing can be "off-limits". I love FitDay, it really makes me think about what I'm eating. I still havent chosen an activity yet, I'm stalling on that front. I dunno why, it just isnt enticing like it used to be. Maybe its because I dont want to start from scratch again. I remember what it was like to huff and puff those first couple of months, yeck. My weight is staying about the same, it goes up or down by a pound or two. I guess it wont go down unless I do some sweating. Ugh.

Friday, April 16, 2004

April 16, 2004

Hi! A picture of me, in our new boat, on the lake. Serene yes? Yes! Except when I looked at this picture, I was stunned. I'm SO DAMN fat........yes.

SO. Off I go again. I've gathered myself together, made some goals and will hit the road running. I almost revived my old Diary of a Loser site but that just wouldnt be fair. That was 3 years ago and its been more than a year since I fell off the wagon. My lowest weight was 165 lbs and I'm back up to 194.  My eating has changed and can be witnessed here >>>FitDay - Online Diet & Fitness Manager

I'll check back in soon!

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

April 5

Wow, its been awhile.

I finished real estate school a few weeks ago, I'm just waiting to go take my licensing exam now. I dropped down to part-time at work, I needed time to study. Everyone in my department is quitting, the management at this store is terrible and we're constantly getting conflicting orders. I cant wait to move on.

We got a new bulldog, his name is Oz. We picked him up two weeks ago in N. Carolina, its so nice to have a puppy in the house.

Joe bought a fishing boat last week and we've been out on the water once. It does the job but next time we wont be taking the kids along. I'm starting to like fishing .

Anyway, thats about it. Hopefully it wont be a month before I post again.

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Feb. 7

Its like Spring here today! Very nice out. Weird weather patterns we've been having. Nothing much new. Our hours at work were cut back because we're so slow right now. That will change in March when we host the first Classic. My computer has been giving me so many problems, I'm hoping to get a new one sometime this year. Anyway, I have to get ready for work! Adios!

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Jan. 28

Its been awhile. I've been working a lot. It started snowing on Sunday and didnt stop until Monday night. Schools closed, people panicked. I still had to work of course. I had my evaluation done and was promised a raise of 3 bucks......what did i end up with.........22 cents. A let down to say the least.  I going to transfer  out of marine, there's just no way I can get ahead there. I'm thinking of saltwater fishing maybe.