Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another pound bites the dust.

Weight: 158

I had a bad eating day yesterday.  Skipped breakfast because my belly felt funny. I wasnt hungry so I waited till after my second class to eat anything. 1/2 a bag of Baked Lays.  For lunch I went to Ukrops for salad bar. It sat okay.  Around dinnertime I tried some tuna but after about 2 tablespoons my belly cramped and I foamed for an hour. Later I had a mini bag of popcorn.  Bad day all around.

Joe is leaving today to fly up to MN to visit his Mom.  She's having a hard time of it and wants her "Joey". I dont blame her, I miss him already. So I'll be here with kids for a week, alone.  Not that I really mind. There are always positive aspects of being sans spouse. #1 Complete control of the remote. #2 One less person to pick up after. #3 Significant savings on food. #4 I can sleep spread eagled/sideways/diagonally in the bed. #5 Go to the bathroom without closing the door. Hehe. I'm sure there are more but these are the ones that come to mind now.

I have so much school crap to get done this weekend, I really need to crack down on myself. I have to write a debate to be presented on Monday.  I have a Soc. test on Tuesday. I have a Physics test next Thursday. All of my online PE junk is due this weekend. Next week is the LAST week of school. Thank Dog! I will be so relieved to have a few weeks of not thinking. School starts on Jan 14th for the next semester, ugh.

Ok, enough for now. Tata.

6:30 pm

The kids last night, frozen solid.

The best shot I could get of Child#2 singing (she's top right).

My eating so far today. 1 apple (no skin), 2 almonds, 1/2 Subway veggie wrap, handful of pumpkin seeds, a frozen SouthBeach Diet meal (Pork and green beans).....I really never eat those things but was curious to see if I could eat one, so....I didnt eat it all but what I did eat went down okay. 

Just a note about all of the vegetation I've been eating. I love it. I. CANT. STOP. Even though I can predictably time my subsequent diarreah to the minute after eating any form of salad, I LOVE IT. Crunchy. Fresh. Light. Never ever makes me dump. My poor butt. I'm not gonna stop either dammit.

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