Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hello friends!  I just read about a great opprotunity to support the fight against obesity.  The schedule doesnt come out for the 2008 dates until May but I figure you can check back there in a few days if you're really interested. Here's the link. The Walk from Obesity   There is supposed to be a walk June 17th in DC and I'm thinking it might be fun.  Only thing is, well, I'm not much of a money raiser.  I hate beggin.  I'm going to find out if they have a minimum requirement to walk and go from there. Even if I dont go, I'll probably donate!

Lime Wire

Do you have an i-pod or similar MP3 device?  Do you spend MONEY buying songs off of i-tunes or the like?  Well, here's some news for you!  Just click on the Limewire link above and after a short download you are linked to lots of other people (sorta like Napster used to be) and free downloads for everyone! Wheeeeeee!  Now, will the FBI track you down and prosecute your ass? I dunno. Imma plead ignorance if they do. Hehe.


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