1. I obsess way more about food now than I did when I was fat.
2. Your doctor will tell you un-truths to try and scare you into compliance.
3. You CAN drink soda, eat bread and drink alcohol without your body exploding.
4. Your intolerance to sugars,fats and carbs goes away or you learn how to work around your maximums.
5. You'll lose interest in exercising and it will become the bane of your existance.
6. You will regain.....I said I NEVER would....I'm up from my lowest.
7. The pouch doesnt fix your broken head.....I eat, not because I'm hungry, but because I'm a food addict or an overeater....or whatever name you wanna attach to it.
8. You'll lie to everyone about.....(insert your weakness here)....mine involves alcohol.
I didnt write this to depress anyone or talk anyone out of the surgery. It really believed it saved my life or at least added a few years onto it. I'm hoping that, with more time, I can come to grips with some of my personal demons that I think are the basis of my addictions. I AM an addict, will always be one and I really believe in my heart that most people who are morbidly obese are as well. Anyway, sorry if I bummed yall out. I'm resolving to wake up tomorrow with a more positive attitude and a plan for how to shrink my ever-inflating ass. Wish me luck!
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