I'm in my happy place. Put there by the whining and grousing of 3 other humans on this planet. Sundays are my "get-shit-done-days", I need to be in the zone and get all laundry, ironing, cleaning, etc done on this day. Please yall, leave me alone so I can accomplish at least half of this torture. My eyeballs are dry, I blink extra fast....squeezing them closed once in awhile to soak the overtly dry eye in juice. I've had too many glasses of wine/water and way too many Baked Cheetos. I tried to get them to play the damn Wii. No luck. Fed them to the point of comatose and yet, they still move....and complain. What did I do to deserve this? I'm a good person, at least most of the time. Gah. I have so much more to say but, guess what???? Someone wont leave me alone long enough to even type this friggin post.
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