Do you cock your head to the side and think "hmmmm, its funny but yaknow what? THAT is actually a good idea." ? Don't lie, you know you do. Then reason takes over. Well, for me, reason doesn't always reign me in quick enough and I have been known to participate in some questionable "child management procedures". Nothing dangerous or illegal but questionable nonetheless. I'm only referring to physical methods, not the mandatory Nyquil-ing, Sudafed-ing or Benadryl-ing that we all come down to at some point. Unfortunately mine are of an age (12 and 15) that they know "their rights" and won't waste a minute contacting "an attorney". It's alot harder to slip over-the-counter cold medications into their beverages too. So now I live in a world of empty threats and bribery, my kids have become the extortionists that I was at their age. They're also awake alot more these days, hehe. Ah, to be young again.
You goota love the many uses of duct tape......lolol Sherry
Yes Sherry, duct tape is hella useful. I have assorted colors too, silver just doesnt always go with everything yaknow.
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