Pawlie, Mookie, Shifty and Poot. Backstreet Boys of another, greasier, universe? Much fist pumping and biting of the lip.
I honestly thought people like this didn't exist anymore. I'm so naive.
My dog gets this same look on her face when she has to poop.
I watched an episode of this show. I was amazed that only one person hit Snooki and that it took them so long to do it. I wanted to pummel her by minute 5. I'm also repelled by the 4 guidos they have populating that house. Is this a medical experiment? These children have been raised by wolves or their DNA has been seriously altered, right? Collectively they probably have an IQ in the "give that child a helmet" range. I was so embarrassed for them that I had to turn it off. A first for me, shit I used to watch The Anna Nicole Show so I know embarrassing when I see it. I may have to watch another episode, it doesnt seem right to judge so harshly without having more data. Let's just hope they don't drop dead anytime soon from alcohol poisoning, STD's or roid rage. Thats my 2 cents.
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