Mine know better. The fantasy was blown wide open a few years ago and rather than fight it, I conceded. "You're right sweetie, there is no Santa. Mommy does it all." Staring eyes.....mouth open.....and then "Well, I guess I can blame you for the crappy presents last year then." She walks away. Homicide anyone?
I wasn't always so angry at Christmas. I think I enjoyed a few of them.....possibly before children. I know many women who pride themselves on buying their kids every-damn-thing on the planet. "Oh sure! I bought little Johnny everything on the list he submitted this year! (she's smiling that "please like me" smile) Uh huh....sure...yeah, you're kid must be a real gem. Just turn and walk away Michelle or your mouth will start moving and the sounds coming out of it will definately offend. RUN!
I don't spoil. My kids work for what they get. Some people (bitches...) say I'm a tad "militant" hmmmmm, okay I am rather strict in some of my parenting. So? At least I know where my kid is and what they are doing. I dont make Xmas a culmination of the years good deeds. She tries hard because thats her JOB! Anyway, dont get me started. Back to Xmas. I'll rename it Giftmas and it wont involve a tree or lights. Good will toward others and charity should be the basis. End o story.
So here we are, 12 hours away from a school day (Yipee!) and I'm very excited. I have 2 weeks off without kids before I start school too. Its going to take me that long to recover from this 3 week madness. Cheers all!
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