Thursday, June 29, 2006

Where did June go?

Last week of June, it went so fast.  Next week Sydney has 4-H camp for the whole week. Avery starts summer school next Wed.  I'll be Moms Taxi all of July & August.

Now that the rain has stopped and the ground is drying we will try putting up the swings. We're waiting on the revised permit to come back so he can start the shed.  The heavyy rain washed away about half the grass seed in the backyard, it looks a mess. 

Well, I'm off for my mammogram this morning. Wish me luck!


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Goodbye Dave

On June 17 Dave Dicus died of a massive heartattack.  Dave was Joe's step-dad. Terri (Joes sister) called me 6 am on the 17th to tell me.  I called the plant and told Joe, I didnt know what he was going to do. He showed up an hour later and we packed the car and left. It took 2 days to drive to Minnesota.  We got there about dinner time on Fathers Day. Everyone else, except for Jason (Joes brother) was already there. Joe's mom, Pat, was still in shock. Dave was 61. The wake was on Tuesday night and the funeral was Wednesday. We left Thursday and got home last night.  We're going to try and make another trip out to see Pat this summer some time, probably in August.  I'm just glad to be home.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Damn Alberto.

Well, Alberto's rain hit us last night and hasnt let up yet.  We started building the kids swingset yesterday and were planning to pour the cement today, guess not.  Joe has the day off but went up to the plant to give blood, thank goodness.  He makes me crazy when he's in the house too long, especially when its raining.  I swear that mans favorite pasttime is bitching about something......usually over and over again. Ugh.

The kids are out half day for the rest of the week and then next week is summer vacation.  woopee.  cant wait.

Anyway, i should go do some laundry. Tata.

Friday, June 2, 2006

Friday night

Perfect score........of course. I am so anxious to continue but this will be it till Fall.  Anyway, Sydney still has a fever and I think I'm starting to run one too. We may be taking a trip to the doc tomorrow.



Last day!

Last day of school for me.  I have my last exam this morning.  I didnt get very much sleep last night, Sydney has a fever.  I'll write again later when I get my final grade.