Saturday, January 31, 2009

Last of Jan.

Yesterday was Joe's 42nd birthday. I cant say he was overjoyed about the whole thing but at least he had the day off to relax. He got a new working jacket and a nice watch. Later we went to Olive Garden for dinner (dessert is pictured above).
Right now he is at Pamplin Park with Syd and her friend. I skipped out because well...honestly...I hate historical crap....oh and its friggin freezing out too. Thanks but I'll stay home and watch the SciFi channel in my warm house.
Anyway, thats it for now. Tata.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh grand Friday.

Hello yall. Let me just get this out there first....Syd and Wyatt broke up. Yep. That was fast huh? Well, she didnt even tell me about it, I found out from his mom. Weird. I guess I should be happy that it wasnt more traumatic.

Today was her last exam so as a treat I took the kids to Swaders ( a sports park thing) We were going to play mini-golf but they chose the arcade instead. It was an hour of too-much-fun and only cost me $20.

It was amazingly mild out today and we enjoyed it. Its supposed to get heinous again tomorrow. Bah!

Anyway, thats about it. Tata.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Uh, dating?

So she had her "date" and it was "awesome". We went to see Paul Blart; Mall Cop. Not one of my top 10....actually not even one of my top 10000. They sat a few rows ahead of Avery and I (I made sure I could see them...clearly) He bought her ticket and snacks, it was sweet. After the movie I dropped him off and she was all gushy about how wonderful he was. I swear, I'm crapping my pants right now. I mean she's only 11! Cmon, give me until at least 13 for this stuff!
Thats it for now.Tata.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I said it was cold before.....I was wrong.

Today it is 29 degrees outside. I dont do cold. At all. It should be against the law for it to be that cold. I'm also a whiner. Ask anyone. When it's cold, I whine constantly.

Luckily today was a free day ie: no school and no kids. I spent the day doing practically nothing. Oh wait, I left the house to get a movie and some Starbucks. It was quick, did I mention I hate the cold?. Hehe.

I'm wearing my workout clothes because, well, I had the best intentions of toodling down to the gym this morning and sweating out all those nasty wine toxins. Didnt happen, not even close. Not motivated. Ah well.

Tomorrow I'm escorting my 11 year old daughter on her first "not-really-a date" with her "boyfriend-but-we-dont-hold-hands-or-kiss-cause-thats-still-gross". I've spoken to both of them, at length......I went far beyond embarrassing to a kind of intense homicidal staring while talking through clenched teeth. She was mortified....yep, thats my job. Anyway, we're going to the movies at the mall.....wont that be fun? (insert sarcasm here) I really wanted to go see that dog hotel movie. (insert coma here) Avery is thrilled as well. (insert screaming)

Ok, thats it for now. I'm tired from doing nothing and must lie down before children start arriving home. Crap.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Is cold, yes?

Not the best representation but you get the idea. Another leather piece that I wanted. It will look awesome with chaps. Yeehaw! Hehe.

In the 40's today. I no like the cold, my lips are always blue. Not a good color for me.

So I joined FaceBook. I had so many people hounding me for so long "Oh you just gotta join! Its soooooo cool. You dunno what yer missing!" Uh, yeah, ok.....wuteva. So I joined. Whooopee. And it would seem that everyone on the planet (but me) is on this stupid thing. I dont recognize like half of the people that "claim" to be my friends. Its hysterical. Friends from high school, friends from the Navy, friends from Canada, even friends from college. Wow. I didnt even know I was so damn popular. Imagine that. I'm so relieved that I think I'll have another glass of wine. HA!

Here it is , pritnear the middle of Jan, and I'm feeling like I should resolve to do something. Maybe lose 10 pounds, uh....adopt an abused animal....hmmm, shave the legs more often? Dunno. Maybe I could resolve to be more decisive. I could but I dont think I will, I cant make up my mind. Yaknow, it would probably be better if I made resolutions that I KNEW I could keep. Yeah! Like I resolve to spend more money this year. Or maybe to continue eating a shitty diet! Yeah yeah......I definately resolve to stay up wayyy too late and drink far too much alcohol (Shit, this will be hella-easy) Hehe. This way I can pretty much guarrantee that my resolutions will carry on through the year and my conscious will be clear. I imagine that the old man will do much the same, in that his resolutions will include 1. not listening 2. watching more TV 3. snoring more and , of course 4. enjoying more 7-11 food in the comfort of his truck. I can vouch that each one of these will be resolved to the max. Anyways, thats all I have to say for now. Tune in next time kids, ya just never know what will come rolling out of my mouth...uh I guess I mean fingers bein that its typing and all.....ah nevamind. Tata!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year

Hi. Sorry I havent posted, I've been so busy. Syd and I stayed up for New Years.....we played Lego Batman all the way through it. The kids went back to school last Monday (YAY!) and thats about it. I dont go back to school until next Wednesday. Oh yeah, I forgot.....we put the house on the market. It went on the MLS this morning and I showed it for the first time at noon today. We're hopeful but know the market sucks right now. Fingers crossed!
Thats it for now! Tata.